Dumbfounded Muscovites see their favorite brands disappear – 07.03.2022 at 16:57

A shopper walks past an Apple store at a mall in Moscow, March 7, 2022 (AFP/-)

A shopper walks past an Apple store at a mall in Moscow, March 7, 2022 (AFP/-)

Struck. Many Muscovites realize the scale of the international backlash against Russian military intervention in Ukraine, having found the closed doors of the big shops where, like all Europeans, they dressed and furnished themselves.

Zara, H&M, Ikea… All of them suddenly suspended sales on the Russian market, lowering iron curtains in many shopping centers in the Russian capital.

If in 40 years Muscovites have experienced many periods of crisis, shortages or hyperinflation, then the last two decades of Vladimir Putin’s rule have become for many an era of certain prosperity and access to consumption.

The Russian authorities can repeat that Russia will quickly recover from the international sanctions imposed since February 24 and the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine, a gloomy tomorrow awaits many.

Anastasia Naumenko, a 19-year-old journalism student, worked at the Oisho clothing store. She lost her job as Spanish giant Inditex closed the store.

This weekend Monday, she wants to buy cosmetics if she can afford it, as the ruble plummets under the onslaught of economic and financial sanctions from the West.

Euroreysky shopping center (Mr."European") from Moscow, March 7, 2022 (AFP/-)

Shopping center “European” in Moscow on March 7, 2022 (AFP/-)

“I heard that prices have already quadrupled,” said a young girl, crossing herself at the entrance to the Metropolis shopping center in Moscow.

Before participation: “It will be terrible.”

Because with a ban on any information defaming the Russian military coming into effect over the weekend, she also feels she must give up her dream of journalism.

“Who needs my profession with this censorship,” continues the young girl, “how to live in a world that is limited to Russia…”.

– Life collapses –

Yuliya Chimelevich, 55, lives off the private French lessons she gives. Met in front of the pet food store, she came to buy western dog and cat food while it’s still available.

She says that within ten days, most of her students canceled classes, and many chose to leave Russia in the face of repression and the coming hardships. His son joined these exiles on Sunday.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport, March 5, 2022 (AFP/-)

Moscow Domodedovo Airport, March 5, 2022 (AFP/-)

“My life has collapsed,” she says, “all the luxury that we have become accustomed to in recent years, imported products, clothes, is already a thing of the past.”

“But the most difficult thing will not be the tightening of the belt, but the separation from the son and the feeling of guilt before the rest of the world,” Yulia concludes.

Piotr Loznica, a 47-year-old interior designer, also had an empty order book after a few days. But most of all she worries about the future of children and the availability of imported medicines for elderly parents.

– Nothing extraneous –

“If it doesn’t get better within a year, then I will take my children from here by all means,” he said. Otherwise, in his opinion, the Russians will be able to show stamina.

“Iran has also adapted,” Mr. Loznitsa said.

Ksenia Filippova, a 19-year-old student, walks out of a fine lingerie store with a small pink bag in her hand, in the company of a friend holding a dog on a leash.

A little embarrassed, the girl explains that she “came to buy (her) favorite brands for the last time, because everything is closed.” And then “the rise in prices hits the wallet.”

But she also tries to see things from the bright side. “Russian brands can replace them, perhaps the sanctions will benefit the Russian market.”

Vladimir Putin has been saying for years that economic retribution should enable Russia to produce its own goods. While progress has been made in agri-food or textile production, so far there has been minimal progress in technology.

On the commercial artery of Kuznetsky Most, where shops are now closed, Tamara Sotnikova, 70, says she doesn’t care about sanctions.

“Everything should be with us, truthfully and naturally!”, the pensioner lights up. “In Soviet times, what did we have? Nothing! And we lived normally, calmly.”