Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki hit the theaters on December 21 and the makers have done really well by releasing the film on a Thursday-free day. Industry experts suggested that the film will have some time to grow due to positive word of mouth and will eventually show numbers during the Christmas long weekend. That's what happened. “Dunki” earned around Rs 25 crore on Saturday and around Rs 30 crore on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Monday's numbers are down compared to Sunday, but are still considered decent. It was a Christmas holiday that worked in his favor. According to, Dunki earned Rs 22 crore on its fifth day, Monday. Thus, the film's total collection so far stands at 128 Crore Net in India. This is Shah Rukh's third consecutive film to cross the 100 crore mark in the first weekend.
While the holiday spirit definitely contributed to movie numbers, there may be a significant drop in business from Tuesday through the weekend. There is a chance that it will continue to remain stable as school Christmas holidays have started and it is a holiday for most people until the 31st. The coming days and the year-end weekend will further decide the fate of the film.
Dunki film review
Meanwhile, the film has already crossed Rs 200 crore net mark at the overseas box office in India. On the other hand, as per initial estimates, Salaar: Cease Fire – Part 1 has grossed around 42.50 Cr India Net on the fourth day across all languages.
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