During the performance SpiderMan hits the pole and falls off

During the performance, ‘SpiderMan’ hits the pole and falls off ‘Joy Train’ in SP Country

An animator disguised as ‘Spiderman‘ hit a post and fell off a ‘little train of joy‘ while attempting to do a performance of the character on his first day on the job. The case took place in Guarujá, on the São Paulo coast, and had repercussions on social networks. The information comes from G1.

Despite a fall while driving, the entertainer had no injuries. According to information from G1, the images were taken by the passenger of a vehicle that was right behind the “little train” who managed to avoid the figure so as not to run over him after the fall.

First working day

The images capture the exact moment when the animator tries to mimic the character as if it were throwing out a spider web when it collided with the pole. At the time of the accident, he was standing with his back to the device.

The wife of the owner of the “little train” told G1 that the animator is fine and does not need to be taken to the hospital. However, according to her, the fall happened on the employee’s first day at work.

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