e in freewheeling Malgioglio I dream of Carla Bruni heres

e… in freewheeling, Malgioglio: “I dream of Carla Bruni”, here’s why

There is something that can be considered impossible for an artist with the drive and enthusiasm Cristiano Malgioglio? The answer would probably be a resounding no. And the revelation of a special and ambitious idea that the singer-songwriter has had for some time confirms this. The unpublished story comes in Episode from Sunday, November 12th From Here…freewheelthe talk show led by Francesca Fialdini in which the copywriter was a guest to talk to the moderator personally about himself, through memories and anecdotes, between work and private life.

There long interview whose protagonist was Cristiano Malgioglio, fresh after the great success of the thirteenth edition of This and that show and now ready for new great adventures, he touched on various subjects, starting with what is most important to him: music and writing, or rather the art to which he has devoted what has now become a long and satisfying career.

In fact, Malgioglio’s pen has produced immortal successes in Italian music, as evidenced by the rediscovered success of “Ancora Ancora Ancora”, a historical piece written for Mina 45 years ago and which has now returned to the top of the charts thanks to a remix by Mark Ronson, already an arranger for many international stars. A rediscovery that fills the copywriter with understandable pride: “One of the biggest brands in the world asked me for permission to do an advertising campaign with it. And listening to it again moved me, not so much for the song or the music, but for Mina’s voicethe greatest white voice of all time, also admired by major international stars like Liza Minnelli.”

The enormous name of Mina is just one of those with whom the lyricist has had the opportunity to collaborate in an artistic career that is currently receiving a new impetus with the international rediscovery of this iconic song, so much so that it precedes Francesca Fialdini, Malgioglio gives announced that he had decided to do so start writing again and to have a very specific project in mind. An ambitious but really perfect project on paper, which he himself reveals: “It made me want to continue writing again. I asked.” Carla Bruni interprets “Cocktail d’Amore”, she would be the ideal interpreter. I need a warm voice that can convey the wonderful harmony of this piece.” There is no doubt that an unforgettable version would emerge.