1694201302 e is the educational qualification of Zuleyha protagonist of the

e is the educational qualification of Zuleyha, protagonist of the soap Terra Amara MovieTele.it

If you are curious Zuleyha’s graduation and further information about the private life of the Turkish actress is right here. The actress who plays the character Zuleyha in Terra Amara it says Hilal Altinbilek. Let’s find out together what the beautiful thirty-year-old actress studied and what she likes to do in life.

Who is Zuleyha actress from Terra Amara?

Born in Smyrna In Turkey on February 11, 1991, Hilal became known in Italy only in recent years through her participation in the famous soap opera Bitter earthplays the role of Zuleyha, Wife of Demir Yaman.

She was not only a beautiful and charming girl, but also showed great acting talent. For this reason, she was immediately popular with Italian viewers and immediately became one of the most popular characters in the Turkish television series. Few people know this before he dedicates himself to his great passion, namely the theater and Acting arthas achieved one Diploma in Business Administration With flying colours.

Zuleyha Bitter LandZuleyha Bitter Land

The girl has huge love for animalsespecially for his beloved four-legged friend named Jupiter which can often be seen in the shots she posts on her Instagram account, which has one and a half million followers.

The young woman is a great lover of privacy and therefore never reveals any information about her private life. We don’t know if he is currently dating a colleague he met on the set of Terra Amara or if he is still single. We know for sure that she is not married and has no children yet.

In a recent interview with Verissimo: Hilal Altinbilek She revealed that the only real man in her life is her father, with whom she has a wonderful relationship of trust, affection and mutual respect. For her the Father It is his lighthouse in life, a reference point forever and ever.

Zuleyha’s career

Zuleyha of Terra Amara is an established actress in her home country, where she has appeared in numerous films and television series. In 2011 she appeared on television for the first time thanks to the television series Derin Sular. After this television participation, her career continued to take off until she was made a real star of the small screen in her home country.

Zuleyha Terra Amara actressZuleyha Terra Amara actress

For over a decade Hilal Altinbilek works in the entertainment world, but it was her role as Zuleyha in Bitter Land that made her known beyond the borders of her native Turkey and earned her nominations for so many awards such as: Awards with the Golden Palm Oh Turkey Youth Awards.

She has also appeared on many covers of renowned magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Vanity Fair, a sign that her success is now international. Even Italian viewers who follow the soap opera with passion are always curious about news about Zuleyha’s character and her personal life.