1651410442 Earthquake by Paolo Bonolis beaten by the competitor the scene

Earthquake by Paolo Bonolis beaten by the competitor: the scene happens live | He lands on the ground

Something unthinkable happens to the detriment of Paolo Bonolis. A competitor beats him during the program to everyone’s amazed eyes

During an episode of Hand off, Paolo Bonolis was “attacked” live by one. competitor. This whole situation created a lot of tension in the studio. Obviously, everyone was amazed at what had happened.

Paolo Bonolis beaten by opponent

A Pair more than tested, much loved by the public, is formed by Paolo Bonolis and colleague Luca Laurenti. For many years, the two have been able to bring smiles, laughter and lots of entertainment to the audience every day. And I can also do it differently in the famous program Avanti.

But not only that, the many also contribute to the show strange competitors waiting in single file for their turn answer the question provided by the tenant. At Avanti, another, participants must answer general knowledge questions posed by the moderator. In the event that the answers given are wrong, we immediately go to a other competitor.

It hits him live, Paolo Bonolis visibly tormented

Paolo Bonolis beaten by opponent

In short, as is evident from the name of the format itself, forward another that makes a mistake leave room to another competitor. The participant who comes to the final also has the opportunity to do so Win the prize pool accumulated during the show. Through a game where you have to give the wrong answer to move on to the next one.

There are many gaffe egg funny curtains we are used to witnessing. Surely we will not be able to forget the scene where a competitor has hit it Paolo Bonolis himself. The event will be reported on the fidelitydonna website. During one of the episodes of the Mediaset game show, Paolo Bonolis really had to face an event very unpleasant. Therefore, chaos broke out in the studio.

A competitor was invited by the conductor after giving the wrong answer leave the place as usual to the next participant. At this point, however, after Paolo greeted him, a Punch right into the family jewels. The handler crouched because of a tremendous pain.

Paolo Bonolis asks the competitor who that was reason what prompted him to take such action. In fact, the entire audience was amazed at what was happening in the studio. Obviously it was a random eventcertainly not intentionally on the part of the competitor.

“I had to take revenge somehow. Nothing personal”. Laughing, the competitor assures that he will leave the studio immediately a legs up. While the inimitable conductor he drew something. Needless to say, all the laughs that filled the famous Mediaset program.