1676431102 Earthquake in Turkey Ghanaian footballer Christian Atsu cannot be found

Earthquake in Turkey: Ghanaian footballer Christian Atsu cannot be found

Almost ten days after the devastating earthquake in Turkey, Ghanaian footballer Christian Atsu, who was reported alive, is still missing.

He remains untraceable. Christian Atsu is still missing, almost ten days after the terrible earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria and killed more than 35,000 people. While he had been reported alive and recovered from the rubble, his agent and club had denied this information while assuring they still had no news on the Ghana international.

And the situation has not changed. The Hataysport player, who has passed through Porto, Chelsea, Everton and Newcastle, has still not shown any sign of life and the chances of finding him alive are dwindling by the day. “The news I have is not good, he has not yet been found under the rubble,” his trainer Volkan Demirel told the AFP news agency in an audio message. “It’s a very stressful situation,” said his on-site agent.

His entourage also regretted the lack of Turkish training in the search and asked for more resources to try to find him. “It’s a shame that the club (Hatayspor) isn’t on the pitch with us and is looking for Christian. Their position, influence, and knowledge of the terrain would be very useful. We are imploring the club president and mayor of Hatay, Lütfü Sava, to prioritize providing additional resources to expedite the rescue effort,” his agent pleaded, who also requested a translator to facilitate the exchange.

Christian Atsu's club and agent have no news about the Ghana international.

Especially since a glimmer of hope remains, Christian Atsu’s room in a place where signs of life would have been recorded. “We were able to pinpoint the exact location of Christian Atsu’s bedroom and found two pairs of his shoes. Yesterday (Monday) we received confirmation that the thermal imaging showed signs of life from at least five people,” assured the agent, determined to find his player.