Earthquakes in Morocco How common are earthquakes France info

Earthquakes in Morocco: How common are earthquakes? France info

Published on September 10, 2023 9:21 p.m

Video length: 1 min

Earthquakes in Morocco: How common are earthquakes?


Freelance Russian journalist beaten up in Chechnya.svg

Article written by France 2 – L.Gublin

France TV

The images from Morocco show the severity of the earthquake and the damage it caused. The Point with Lorraine Gublin on the set of the 20-hour race on Sunday September 10th.

The planet is the scene of almost permanent earthquakes. “All the bright spots show earthquakes. There are always some in very specific areas of the planet. The earth is shaking in France. According to a map, five earthquakes were measured on a single day last Friday,” explains Lorraine Gublin on Sunday September 10th.

The date cannot be predicted

“The strengths are very small and the population certainly did not feel these shocks. These are still earthquakes. Sometimes they are more intense and cause more damage, as was the case last June near Niort (Deux-Sèvres),” the journalist continues. It is difficult to predict the tremors. “What we know is where the earthquakes occurred and which areas are at risk. The darker the color, the more earthquakes there are. On the other hand, scientists cannot say on what date (…) they will take place. “To do so,” concludes Lorraine Gublin.

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