Earths oldest species discovered It lived 500 million years before

Earth’s oldest species discovered: It lived 500 million years before the dinosaurs. I live in the depths of the ocean The Magazine Tech

Earths oldest species discovered It lived 500 million years beforeThe First Living Animal on Earth: The Oldest of All (Web) –

A few days ago, news broke of a truly amazing discovery that revealed the first animals to walk the earth.

Always that discoveries Science keeps everyone one mouth open. Not least the one who granted seize A black hole gigantic Hike in space in a galaxy far, far away from us. Or, still with regard to the black holes, let’s remember the ones discovered by the spacecraftESA, Gaia. But only this year, which has only just begun discoveries there was enough of it.

Or at least that Training about the discoveries of which we gave you supper are completed and have been completed published this year. New species marinebut also new types of butterflies and bats. Or again fossils of dinosaurs that completely destroyed everyone theories ofevolution known to this day.

And we can even say that News arrived a few days agounbelievable and has twisted those who have been so far certainties from all scientist and scholars of the world. In fact, they believed that the First be Life never lived on Earth was one sponge. but after this discovery they are due think again.

In fact, one was found animal give her origins even more old. Do you think these creatures lived with us when the first dinosaurs appeared? planet for 500 million years. It’s something absurd and unexpectedlybut who did it? jump Joy to all scientists. Let’s see what was discovered.

It is a marine creature that lives in the oceans and is the first creature to ever appear on Earth.

It is a creature which can be defined in many ways similar to a jellyfish even if it isn’t. They live in the depths of the ocean, but are also very often found in aquariums. This creature dived around 700 million years ago. The animals in question are ctenophores. You have up to eight sets eyelash How they look like tentacles. Hence the resemblance to a jellyfish.

1684695389 308 Earths oldest species discovered It lived 500 million years beforeWe are all descended from them: the ctenophores (Web) –

And they use thistentacles”to almost move 5 kilometers below the surface. You have a Body soft and they left no trace fossils. According to scientists, they are ancestors all in common species Life on earth both disappeared that they are still there Life. So they are our ancestors too ancestors of beings People.

The Diploma came after several Years from intense Training by a team of scientist of the California. In practice, so this discovery and related studies, of these animals we would dismount everyone, really everyone: of the different kinds Animals appeared, disappeared and still alive, right down to us beings People.

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