1697933787 Eco friendly wedding Couples show reality and pose in front

Eco friendly wedding! Couples show reality and pose in front of 40,000 tons of trash in Taiwan

Eco friendly wedding Couples show reality and pose in front

Into Taiwan a few friends had an unusual idea scare your guests away before generating useless waste: photo before a Mountain of 40,000 tons of garbage.

Bride and groom pose in front of a mountain of 40,000 tons of trash in Taiwan

For your “ecological wedding” in January 2023Iris Hsueh, Greenpeace activist, and her fiance they asked her Guests to support Container for transporting the remains of the banquet.

The Couple made one three hour drive out of Taipei to Puiin the center of the island, for a Photo shooting on a garbage dump.

According to the data, the amount of garbage that ends up in the local landfill Steadily increasing in recent years

“If a guest is not willing to bring a container, I show them the photo and ask them to reconsider their decision,” he said 33 year old womanwho assured that his postcard put that on Media attention.

What does the landfill in Taiwan where the couple posed look like?

Taiwanan island with 23 million inhabitants, has one recycling program since 1987. More than 50% waste are going to be treated through this system, with one of the highest rates in the world.

Chen Chun Hungresponsible for Sanitary facilities of Puli Municipality, noted that the Amount of waste from the garbage dump impressively increased.

In the 1980s were completely welcomed 20 tons daily and currently they are at a level of 50 tons garbage per day.

“Our population is decreasing, but the amount of waste is increasing every year,” he said. Chen Chun Hung.

Photo of bride and groom in landfill in Taiwan goes viral

Hsueh He said his friends and family promised since his photos went viral think about it Amount of waste who produce In your daily life.

And for the wedding day? “I hope to see everyone with a container,” he said. Iris Hsuehthe Greenpeace activist.