Ecopetrol asked the United States for permission to do business

Ecopetrol asked the United States for permission to do business with Venezuelan oil company PDVSA

Ecopetrol, the country's largest company, is seeking a permit similar to that of US company Chevron to resume limited mineral exploration in Venezuela.  REUTERS/Luisa GonzalezEcopetrol, the country’s largest company, is seeking a permit similar to that of US company Chevron to resume limited mineral exploration in Venezuela. Portal/Luisa Gonzalez

On January 28, 2019, the White House announced sanctions against the state-owned company Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA). The first reason for this action, according to the United States government, was “to help prevent future diversion of assets out of Venezuela Nicholas Maduro and keep those assets for the Venezuelan people,” then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

This action by the US government, then led by Donald Trump, closed the door on any country or entity doing business with Venezuela.

“Every time you buy Venezuelan oil, the money has to go into blocked accounts. The United States blames those for Venezuela’s tragic downfall,” the Washington spokesman added.

However, on Friday January 6th, 2023 it was announced that the Colombian State Oil Company, green fuel, He asked permission from the United States to negotiate with PDVSA. The national government’s idea is to execute some existing contracts and some new projects.

According to international media such as El País from Spain or Forbes, the request should be directed at the activities of Import of natural gas between neighboring countries. In addition, it is another sign of the restoration of relations between Caracas and Bogotá.

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Brian A. Nichols, US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, spoke to Caracol Radio about this possibility:

“We are ready to change our policy, as we have done in the past, if we see progress, the United States can issue letters of approval for trade with Venezuela,” he said on the radio station.

The suspension path to PDVSA “By quickly handing over control to the interim president or a subsequent administration, democratically elected,” Mnuchin said it was his time not to recognize legitimacy Nicholas Maduro.

It should be noted that PDVSA is on the list of the Foreign Assets Control Office, aka clinton, and any company doing business with the Venezuelan oil company could face US jurisdiction.

To obtain government approval from Joe BidenEcopetrol, the country’s largest company, points to a similar permit granted to the American company Chevron to resume limited exploitation of natural resources in Venezuela.

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In case of rafters, The approval was granted after the Venezuelan ruling party returned to dialogues with the opposition taking place in Mexico. At this meeting, a solid plan for the 2024 presidential election must be agreed.

The same January 6th Nicholas Maduro named Pedro Tellechea as the new president of the state oil company. “PDVSA will chair Pedro Rafael Tellecheawho, with his vast experience at the helm of Pequiven, will consolidate the dynamism of the national oil industry,” the president said via a Twitter account.

On the same January 6, Nicolás Maduro appointed Pedro Tellechea as the new president of the state oil company. On the same January 6, Nicolás Maduro appointed Pedro Tellechea as the new president of the state oil company.

The government’s request for Gustav Petro It will not be the first energy agreement between Colombia and Venezuela. In 2004, Álvaro Uribe and Hugo Chávez signed a binational energy connection agreement between the two countries.

In 2006, at a military base on the border, the announcement of the construction of the gas pipeline was made official. “This is the articulation of a great project that is the product of the complementarity of each country’s development projects,” said the late Hugo Chávez at the time.

For his part, Álvaro Uribe assured: “We must choose between the practical agenda of social reach that unites us, or the rhetoric of temptations of confrontation that divides us, and the facts show that we have chosen the first one.”

In 2004, Álvaro Uribe and Hugo Chávez signed a binational energy connection agreement between the two countries.In 2004, Álvaro Uribe and Hugo Chávez signed a binational energy connection agreement between the two countries.

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Scandal over alleged irregular investments by Ecopetrol: the company promised cooperation with the Comptroller’s Office Key year for Ecopetrol: the government expects to transfer at least 29 billion pesos to them Ecopetrol reported record crude oil shipments at the Cartagena and Barrancabermeja refineries