Ecuador Indigenous peoples and government sign agreement to end protests

Ecuador: Indigenous peoples and government sign agreement to end protests

The deal provides for lower fuel prices and the revision of decrees governing mining in the Amazon in exchange for ending the social movement that has rocked the country for more than two weeks.

Article written byEcuador Indigenous peoples and government sign agreement to end protests

Posted on 6/30/2022 10:46 PM Updated on 6/30/2022 10:46 PM

Reading time: 1 min

Perhaps the end of a fight against inflation that has paralyzed the country for more than two weeks. Ecuador’s government and representatives of indigenous groups signed an agreement on Thursday (June 30) to end protests against the rising cost of living.

The text, prepared with the mediation of the Catholic Church, provides in particular for a 15 cent reduction in petrol prices, one of the central demands of the movement. Another important point: He plans to repeal a government regulation on expanding oil production in the Amazon and revise another on mining.

“We will continue the fight”

It also includes the creation of a negotiating committee and the lifting of the state of emergency towards the end of blockades and demonstrations that have resulted in violent episodes that have left six dead and more than 600 injured, particularly in the heart of the capital, Quito. The protest has weighed heavily on Ecuador’s economy, especially oil production, and on the population, with rising prices and an incipient shortage of food and agricultural products.

“We will continue the struggle, but there we will stop the movement according to the law we signed,” said Leonidas Iza, head of the powerful Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie), which led the demonstrations. “We have reached the highest value we all strive for: peace in our country,” commented his side. on twitter Canning President Guillermo Lasso. “We now begin the task together of transforming this peace into progress, prosperity and opportunity for all,” added the head of state.