Ecuadorian Judge Orders Jail for Jorge Glas

Ecuadorian Judge Orders Jail for Jorge Glas

In the case, the judge also ordered a ban on leaving the country and the sale of assets worth $122,492 million, as well as the forfeiture of the defendants' bank accounts.

After deliberating for about two hours, the judge accepted Attorney General Diana Salazar's request to arrest the former lieutenant governor accused of the alleged crime of embezzlement in the Manabí Reconstruction case.

The prosecutor accuses Glas of committing the alleged crime of embezzlement in public works carried out after the 2016 earthquake in Manabí province.

According to Salazar, the $90 million earmarked for this purpose went into non-urgent projects.

Facing what he sees as political persecution, the former vice governor formally requested asylum from the Mexican government while staying at that nation's diplomatic headquarters in Quito since Sunday, December 17.

The Ecuadorian government warned that it regretted any possible granting of asylum by Mexico and said it would take decisive action in this case.

One of Glas's lawyers, Eduardo Franco Loor, assures that the trials against the person who was vice president to Rafael Correa (2007-2017) and was re-elected as second-in-command to Lenín Moreno (2017-2021) are fraudulent and a political persecution represented.

The former vice governor, considered one of the symbols of “lawfare” in Ecuador, received the benefit of early release on November 28, 2022, after unifying two prison sentences of six and eight years for the Odebrecht and bribery cases. respectively.
