Ecuadorian Parliament informs President Lasso of impeachment ​​

The General Secretary of the Legislature, Álvaro Salazar, officially transmitted the decision of the plenary session of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly of Ecuador informed President Guillermo Lasso on Thursday evening of the resolution approving the impeachment proceedings against him for the alleged crime of embezzlement.


What’s next in the impeachment proceedings against Guillermo Lasso?

The Secretary General of the Legislature, Álvaro Salazar, officially transmitted the resolution of the plenary session of the National Assembly approving the process, also attaching the complete file of its course, which was also sent to the 137 MPs for their consideration. before voting takes place.

Last Tuesday, the plenum of the National Assembly approved the continuation of the impeachment process with 88 votes. There were also 23 votes against and five abstentions.

The plenary session, scheduled for next Tuesday 16th, will be attended by MEP Viviana Veloz and one other person who will be designated as questioner.

The plenary session is convened to vote to censure and dismiss Lasso and requires the approval of two-thirds of the legislature, ie 92 votes.

The Ecuadorian president has been accused of alleged ties to an agreement signed with the Amazonas Tanker Pool association, which includes public company Flopec.

For its part, the legal team representing the head of state announced that it would apply to the Constitutional Court for a follow-up and compliance with the verdict in order to stop the trial of the political process.