Latvia the strongest prime ministers party after the election

Edtstadler: Austria’s neutrality “creating identity”

The Minister of Europe, Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP), once again spoke in favor of maintaining Austrian neutrality. “It’s about freedom, prosperity and peace. Neutrality creates identity for Austria, that was the case and that will be the case,” Edtstadler told ZIB2 yesterday. Status is also important to the country’s reputation as a seat of international institutions.

If you go back “generations”, you can see “what Austria fought for us – neutrality”, says Edtstadler. Consequently, confronted with the fact that the Soviet Union had dictated Austria’s neutrality, Edtstadler spoke of a “freedom won”. Edtstadler did not directly respond to the objection that Austria had been liberated by the Allies – just this: “The way to get there was neutrality”.

Minister of Europe Edtstadler on neutrality

An alliance of politicians, experts and businessmen calls for a debate on neutrality. In an interview, the Minister of Europe, Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP), talks about the open letter on the debate on neutrality, among other issues.

There is no doubt that some things have changed since Austria’s accession to the EU. But Austria’s neutrality abroad “is not in doubt by anyone”, according to Edtstadler.

“Politically Unwanted” Tank Training

Finland and Sweden – both countries want to join NATO – have different geographical requirements, Finland, for example, has a long border with Russia. The training of soldiers in tanks in Austria “is not politically desired”, said the minister. According to Edtstadler, it would be necessary to examine how Austria would behave in the event of an attack on NATO countries.

Broad alliance calls for open debate on neutrality

A broad alliance of politicians, experts and businessmen has relaunched the neutrality debate. In an open letter, he criticizes the “illusion (…) that Austria can stay the way it is, stay out and manage with a little more money for the federal army”. European politicians Othmar Karas (ÖVP), former FPÖ Defense Minister Herbert Scheibner, SPÖ related consultant Rudi Fussi and bank manager Andreas Treichl signed.

“Austria deserves the truth: the current situation is unsustainable and dangerous. Therefore, we continue to insist on our minimum demands: a serious, national and open discussion about the future of Austria’s foreign, security and defense policy and the adoption of a new security doctrine that takes into account the changed circumstances last spring.

For “debate without sales”

In it, they called for a “debate without tapas” on neutrality, “led by an independent group of experts set up by the President of the Republic” and with broad participation by the population. This should lead to the adoption of a new Austrian security doctrine.

In addition to numerous diplomats and generals, the list of supporters includes writers Robert Menasse and Doron Rabinovici, former NEOS MP Irmgard Griss, former President of the National Council Heinrich Neisser (ÖVP), former Defense Minister Friedhelm Frischenschlager (FPÖ, now NEOS), the head of the AMS Johannes Kopf, the director of the Diplomatic Academy Emil Brix, the former editor-in-chief of “Presse” Rainer Nowak, the journalist Robert Misik, the author of the book Ali Mahlodji and the former adviser on strategy of former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Antonella Mei-Pochtler.