We awaited with impatience and a certain curiosity the Minister of Education’s publication on the subject of upgrading education, especially French in humiliation, according to all the statistics, each one more depressing than the next.
We were presented with an outdated, not to say outdated, image of Minister Drainville surrounded by three of his stupid, even bored, colleagues.
The seven priorities, the themes of which Bernard Drainville described, are just words, repeated ad nauseam, that all politicians and officials have been hammering at us for years.
On French mastery and reinforcement for teachers, the minister said: “I’ll get back to you. “Where when how? He will have a choice.
We’ve known Bernard Drainville more fiercely throughout his career. To tell the truth, despite the tone of his voice, we felt a kind of boredom, even an overwhelm of sorts: “Let this session end with the Holy of Holies! »
We can talk about the mountain giving birth to a mouse or a logorrhea to make a carp snore. How could one not be surprised at the minister’s silence, from whom we expected a cry from the heart and passionate accents, above all to praise the French language, which is still a world language?
It is a language whose writing must be preserved. We must also pass on the happiness of speaking it beautifully to young people, to be proud of and respect it.
However, the minister did not deign to address this political and aesthetic dimension, he who had such fiery outbursts defending his values of the Quebec Charter. Does he remember the violent attacks he was subjected to at the time from his opponents?
In a way, the priorities he has set become a knot and a chain. If we analyze to what extent the upgrading of education has failed in the past. Let’s look at the numbers. The causes cannot be explained by the pandemic alone.
past failures
Let’s not forget that for decades, teachers have had to educate students with “special needs” — a euphemism to describe young people who can’t keep up in so-called “normal” classrooms, delaying all the kids.
The priorities announced by Bernard Drainville make little reference to the responsibility of parents of students too numerous to overwhelm teachers, who are themselves victims of the mentally disturbed youth rampant in their class.
There’s a strange sense of social numbness in relation to the challenges of education.
The minister is hoping for the support of the trade unions in order to achieve his wishes. We wish him the best of luck.
But it would also be imperative that citizens recognize the government’s desire to take down the ministry’s technocrats, who have written reforms, some of them catastrophic, in stone. And behind which these technocrats could hide their irresponsibility.
Let’s not forget that for 20 years we have seen 14 education ministers, including François Legault when he was a member of the PQ government. That is, the official-bureaucrats, advanced educators who ensured continuity, held the fort and, shall we say, enforced their often ideological visions.