Edward Luttwak talk about war again. The US economist, who has always advocated arms and military aid to Ukraine, clearly attacks the pacifists. And on his Twitter page he thundered: “Russia’s true friends are enemies of Russian dictators. Those who defend aggression, those who they want to sabotage aid who fights back (Count first without ever telling us why) are enemies of the порядочный человек (honest men) who also existed under Stalin”.
As known Giuseppe Conte, leader of the 5 Star Movement, has been fighting for months against arms deliveries to the Kiev government. The ex-prime minister has barricaded the executive branch on this issue, even if he justifies himself time and again: “I don’t like to cause problems for the government, but nobody can ask us to keep quiet.” For him, 132 days after the start of the conflict, it was “necessary for the EU to develop a more sophisticated strategy”. The? “After this initial phase, our country and Europe must concentrate the role and negotiation efforts and the direction towards a political solution”.
An opinion that clearly sets him apart from Luttwak, who is convinced that the West needs to send something more besides arms: “There are two options: either Western countries They send men Land forces in Ukraine or the Ukrainian army must surrender. There is also an opportunity to send trained volunteers, many Danes and Finns, for example, will fight with the Ukrainians. Meanwhile, the necessary effective and sophisticated weapons are arriving in Ukraine, but there is a shortage of men. Great Britain also supports them.” In short, according to the economist, a defeat Wladimir Putin Help must be sent, no matter what kind.