Efrain Alegre and Santiago Pena tie in Paraguay

Efrain Alegre and Santiago Peña tie in Paraguay

Atlas/Intel web poll shows Efrain, Liberal Party, at 38.1% and Santiago, Colorado Party, at 36.4%

With less than a month to go before Paraguay’s presidential election, candidates Efraín Alegre of the Liberal Radical Authentic Party and Santiago Peña of the Colorado Party remain technically tied in voting intention polls. The election will take place on April 30th.

In the Atlas/Intel poll, Alegre comes up with 38.1% of the voting intentions versus 36.4% of his main opponent. For the survey, April 14, 1,948 people were interviewed. The error rate is 2%.

Former Senator Payo Cubas from the Cruzada Nacional party came third in the poll with 14.5% of the voting intentions. Here is the full survey (7 MB).

The current scenario shows the continuity of the decrease in the difference between the candidates that have been appearing since February. However, in the latest poll conducted by FaSac Consultores SRL in March, Peña was more than 10 percentage points ahead of his opponent, with 42.8% versus 32.1%.

Peña’s victory in this year’s election would cement the Colorado Party’s hegemony in the Paraguayan government. The centreright legend emerged during the military dictatorship. He has ruled Paraguay for more than 30 years since the country’s redemocratization in 1989. The only exception was the tenure of former President Fernando Lugo, who ruled Paraguay from 2008 to 2012. Lugo was a member of the leftwing Frente Guasú party.

One of the most important political features of Paraguay is the existence of old political parties. In addition to Colorado, there is also Efraín Alegre’s Authentic Radical Liberal Party. To contest the 2023 elections, the centreright party allied with other parties, including the leftwing Frente Guasú, in the Concertación Nacional coalition.


Born on November 16, 1979 in the capital Asunción, Peña, 44, is believed to be the politician who will continue the line of former President and businessman Horácio Cartes, who ruled the country from 2013 to 2018.

santiagopenaparaguaicampanhapresidenciaassuncaoElection campaign of the Paraguayan presidential candidate Santiago Peña in the capital Asunción; The event took place on March 14, 2023


Born in San Juan Bautista, municipality of Paraguay, Efraín Alegre, 60 years old, according to Professor Feliú, differs little from Peña, since the Authentic Radical Liberal Party shares the same ideological affiliation as the Colorado Party. According to expert Wagner Iglecias, the candidate’s proposals are described as “populist” by the Colorado Party.

But because of the coalition with the leftwing Frente Guasú party, Alegre brings a more social note to his campaign speech.

efrainalegreparaguaiscaledParaguayan presidential candidate Efraín Alegre in the city of Areguá; The event took place on March 12, 2023