Egypt is considered quotRed linequot during an Arab Islamic meeting

Egypt is considered "Red line" during an Arab Islamic meeting in Beijing the expulsion of Palestinians

Egyptian Foreign Minister Samé Shukri assured this Monday that the expulsion of the population is “a red line” during the meeting of a delegation of the Arab-Islamic Summit and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, capital of the country. “There is a stated policy of expelling Palestinians from Gaza, but the strong position of opposition to expulsions by Egypt and Arab countries is a red line. Displacement will endanger peace, security and stability in the region and the world,” Shukri’s spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid posted on his account on the social network X, formerly Twitter. In this sense, he complained that there are countries that do not classify as “war crimes” the actions of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, which have already left more than 13,000 Palestinians dead since October 7. “Unfortunately, some parties do not describe the blatant Israeli violations and war crimes according to their true description. The (UN Security Council chaired by China) has a responsibility to protect international legitimacy and that is China’s position that we know and hope for,” the minister added. He also highlighted Egypt’s efforts to send humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing, despite “Israel obstructing his entry,” which, along with the bombings, was aimed at “pushing Palestinians to flee the area.” “. Egypt is doing everything it can to bring aid into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing, but Israel’s policy of blocking the entry of aid is a systematic policy aimed at forcing Palestinians to leave the Strip under the weight of the bombings and siege to urge. The meeting was also attended by Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al Maliki, Saudi Arabian Minister Faisal bin Farhan, Jordanian Minister Ayman Safadi, Indonesian Minister Retno Marsudi and the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. OCI), Hissein Brahim Taha, published by the Chinese newspaper “South China Morning Post”. The talks will take place both this Monday and Tuesday and aim to find a solution to the war that was unleashed between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) as a result of the Palestinian militia attack on southern Israel on October 7th more than 1,200 dead and 240 hostages. Earlier, member states of the Arab League and the OIC released a joint statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and urging a “serious and genuine” political process to achieve a lasting and complete peace in line with recognized international references. . In addition, they called for “deterrent measures” to be taken to stop the Israeli army’s “crimes against humanity” both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and in East Jerusalem “against Islamic and Christian shrines” and to ensure the establishment of humanitarian corridors to ensure a to prevent a major catastrophe in the enclave.