1650981206 Egyptair Paris Cairo the French report It crashed into a

Egyptair Paris Cairo, the French report: “It crashed into a fire, the pilots were smoking and from a…

Six years after the plane crash EgyptAir MS804 Paris-Cairo precipitate in the Mediterranean Sea May 19, 2016 With 66 people on board – a group of experts, which met 23 times between August 2021 and February 2022, developed a report out of 134 pages illuminating the final moments before catastrophe. The document viewed by the courier was sent to a month ago Paris Court of Appeal Investigating the affair for homicide, because among the victims are 12 French. For the beathe French aviation investigation authority, already commented in 2018 on the cause of the accident “a Fire broke out in the cockpit during the cruising phase, which led to the loss of control of the jet”. On June 16th and 17th, 2016, the institution examined the two black boxes of the plane, handing over the results to those responsible for the investigation to the authorities in Cairo uncooperative and with different ideas about the dynamics of the facts: for them it was an act of terrorism. But the French ruled out that the plane crashed after an explosion.

Egyptair, wreckage of the plane that crashed in the Mediterranean Sea in May

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Egyptair, wreckage of the plane that crashed in the Mediterranean Sea in May

the fire – On board this plane the new report is now i.e Pilots tended to smoke a lot – a practice that was not banned by Egyptair in 2016 – and on previous trips the plane had several technical problems, “but none were so serious that it had to be grounded”. So, according to the analyses, it was him leak oxygen from the co-pilot’s mask to cause the fire, at a time when the commander and first officer were in all likelihood a smoking 11,278 meters of altitude. The lit cigarette, the document explains, meant that theoxygen emanating from the favorisse device combustion: hence a principle offire has started from a spark or flame“. The mask had been changed by a staff member three days earlier and put into “emergency” mode. Experts were unable to determine whether or not the pilots were using the fire extinguisher in the cockpit.

The timetables – The fire, the report reconstructs, broke out about an hour before arrival in Egypt, scheduled for 3:15 am on May 19. Game from the “Charles de Gaulle” by Paris at the 23:21 On May 18, flight MS804 entered the United States Italian airspace at the 00:11. Having flown over the Veneto, it circumvented that Balkans and then continue south. But with 2:27shortly before crossing the Egyptian air border, the report explains, the Greek pilot – who had invited the two pilots to get in touch with the Egyptian colleague – got no answer. At the 2:34the radar of the control centers no longer recognized the aircraft. The latest information on the Airbus A320 concerned two rounds: one of them 90° to the left and one of 360° to the right. Only later did he discover the plane he had sent seven shipping“Before the crash. These were reports of problems with the anti-ice sensors, the cockpit windows, the presence of smoke in the forward bathroom and in the avionics compartment (below the cockpit), and the disruption of two basic flight and wing systems.

Egyptair, black box investigation:

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Egyptair, black box investigation: “There were several attempts to extinguish a fire on board”

The reasons – It remains to be seen why the bezel set to the mode that bleeds air at higher pressure was not checked. “When we get into the cockpit between the various pre-checks before take-off, there is also the one Control of the oxygen flow in the side masks‘ he tells the courier Daniel Veronelli, Commander of the A320 and member of the Technical Department of Anpac (National Association of Commercial Aviation Pilots). “You lift a door and test the airflow by pressing a button that comes out of the compartment – he continues – by activating the intercom you can hear the oxygen flow as each mask is equipped with a microphone.” If the crew is the first to board the plane that day, he concludes, “that type of test will also be done. If, on the other hand, you take over from colleagues, the check is not planned, but it does not mean that this will take place anyway, it only takes a few seconds”.

The victims – On the courier’s questions, the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority and Egypt Air they didn’t answer. A silence difficult to decipher. In addition, Cairo has not never sent a final report on the affair to ICAO, the civil aviation authority of the United Nations. Serious omissions for those who have been demanding answers for years: “It is Since May 2016 we have wanted to understand why we lost our loved onesJulie Heslouin tells the Courier that she lost her brother Quentin, 41, and father Pierre, 75, on flight MS804. Despite this, Heslouin and the family committee have not given up and search for the truth every day.