El Micha shares pictures from Havana on his networks

El Micha shares pictures from Havana on his networks

This Monday it turned out that… Micha is back in Cubaand unlike his last trip, where he stayed away from the networks, this time he published pictures from Havana.

In his Instagram stories, the singer shared photos on the Malecón, very close to the sea, sometimes in the company of the young reggaeton singer. Yes Rulaywho also received him when he arrived on the island.

Capture Instagram / El Micha

In a video in the same ephemeral section The Micah He uploaded a video showing the view of the capital from the coast.

Capture Instagram / El Micha

From the artist’s publications it is known that, in addition to Ja Rulay, he also shared with another young representative of the urban genre, Johayron.

Capture Instagram / El Micha

According to Diego Román Vizcón, El Micha’s manager, “the album with the best cast” is in preparation, scheduled for release in December this year.

Micha surprised everyone with this trip to Cuba a little more than a month after he had been in his country celebrates his birthday And visits his mother.

Last week, after one Clash on the networks with Alexander Otaolathe reggaeton singer said again that he would travel to Cuba whenever he wanted and that he would also sing and go on a national tour.