Part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Central American nation is known as the land of hammocks because of the frequency with which the earth moves, a sometimes imperceptible wobble.
Said Belt is an area of about 40,000 square kilometers that includes areas such as the Andes, the west coast of Mexico and the United States, and Japan, which is also where the greatest volcanic activity on the planet is recorded, and runs through the small Central American state, prodigal in volcanoes (23).
El Salvador has had two shocks in the past few days, one with a magnitude of 5.7 and its epicenter off the coast of La Unión, 55 kilometers south of Playa Las Tunas, at a depth of 74 kilometers.
The other was 5.5 degrees off the coast of Guatemala, 98 kilometers west of Barra de Santiago, at a depth of 46 kilometers.
The mayor of San Salvador, Mario Durán, is among those who keep his people on constant alert to avoid possible damage as much as possible.