Elas Por Elas chapter summary for today Tuesday 1010 Giovanni.jpgwidth1200height740

Elas Por Elas chapter summary for today, Tuesday (10/10): Giovanni tells Cris he can’t be with her


Don’t miss this Friday’s exciting episode of “Elas por Elas,” which promises family confrontations, love dilemmas and secrets soon to be revealed

Giovanni (Filipe Bragança) and Ísis (Rayssa Bratillieri) in Elas por Elas  Photo: GloboGiovanni (Filipe Bragança) and Ísis (Rayssa Bratillieri) in Elas por Elas Photo: Globo

The plot of “Elas por Elas” continues to captivate viewers’ attention with interpersonal conflicts and exciting twists. In this Friday, October 10 episode, the characters face love dilemmas, family conflicts and secrets that will soon be revealed. Let’s find out what awaits fans of this gripping soap opera.

The episode begins with Adriana advising Jonas to get along with Helena, suggesting that complex relationships are at the heart of the plot. Edu gets into an argument with Érica over Renée, and Vic listens, suggesting that secrets and conflict are escalating. Helena is surprised to see Giovanni receiving a message from Cris, leading to a scene of jealousy and distrust. Yeda suggests that Lara should be involved in decisions about the office, suggesting that the character could gain more prominence.

Roberto despairs over Mário’s investigation and hints that important secrets will soon be revealed. Tony confronts Edu, adding a layer of confrontation to the plot. Natália confesses to Carol that she has begun to distrust Adriana and Jonas, suggesting that the trust between the characters has been shaken.

> Lara and Átila in Elas por Elas Photo: Globo

Carol is surprised by Pedro’s reaction when he talks about Bruno, suggesting that problems from the past may be coming to light. Isis and Giovanni hope the DNA test comes back negative, promising a moment of excitement and anticipation. Taís tells Evilásio and Raquel that she has left the agency, suggesting that significant changes are taking place in the character’s life. Giovanni tells Cris he can’t stay with her, leading to an emotionally charged moment of decision.

Born and raised in the interior of São Paulo, 36 years old, with stints at MAZE (MTV Brasil), Cenapop (UOL) and UOL. EditorinChief of Nerd Site and Hit Site of R7. Youtuber and author who writes about cinema and entertainment.