Elderly man suspected of killing Brazilian model after party involving

Elderly man suspected of killing Brazilian model after party involving sex and drugs

Police in the Italian city of Padua have identified businessman Gianclaudio Dalla Benetta, 71, as the prime suspect in the death of model Gabriel Dias Luiz da Silva, 27.

The Brazilian was found lifeless with a bag on his head last Thursday (12) in an apartment where a party full of alcohol, drugs and sex was taking place.

According to local press, Gabriel and Gianclaudio had a romantic relationship. The model had moved into the retired businessman’s apartment after months of romping around.

In a statement to police, Gianclaudio said that he and Gabriel had a big party on Tuesday night (10th) and the next morning after breakfast the Brazilian “got sick, took medication and went back to bed”.

He reported to police that late Wednesday evening (11) he entered the room where the model was supposed to turn off the heating and lay down on the couch to sleep only to find out the next day that the young man was dead.

“I thought you were asleep,” Gianclaudio said. It was the Italian businessman himself who called the emergency services.

Padua police are now trying to find out who else walked through the property on the day of the party. Agents confiscated the victim’s and suspect’s cell phones and notebooks for analysis.

Toxicological testing and technical expertise should also help understand what led to Gabriel Luiz’s death.

Who is Gabriel Dias?

Gabriel moved to Italy in 2019, the same year he met businessman Gianclaudio, who at the time was dating another man and was also a physical education teacher.

On his Instagram profile he shared his everyday life in Milan and his training with friends.

The Brazilian lived in a shared apartment with friends and had moved in with her boyfriend a few days before his death.