Andre Vinicius Pereira*
Posted on 03/28/2023 22:14
(Image credit: Playback/Twitter @FactsInfo)
Acquiring your first license is a process that requires focus, perseverance and patience. Thousands of young people try to get a driver’s license to drive their own vehicle, but they don’t always pass the first time. Who says Cha SaSoon. The 69yearold South Korean made history by getting her driver’s license after 960 attempts and spending more than R$70,000 on practical classes and driving tests. The South Korean has been trying to pass the theory test since 2005.
There were a total of 959 exams before she passed exam number 960 and finally got her driver’s license. Their efforts ran through November 2009.
Although it was a struggle for Cha, she didn’t give up because she needed her license to run her own vegetable business and visit her children.
After several attempts, the case had a great response in the Asian country and made the woman wellknown in South Korea, which even prompted her to take part in an advertising campaign by the carmaker Hyundai.
However, the South Korean’s story of perseverance regained traction on social media this week after going viral as a message of optimism among netizens.
*Intern under the supervision of Ronayre Nunes
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