Elders left to die and uninformed citizens

Elders left to die and uninformed citizens

Nature examined Sweden’s model for fighting Covid: “Many elderly people were given morphine instead of oxygen, despite available supplies, ending their lives.”


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“Sweden was wellarmed to prevent the COVID19 pandemic from becoming severe.” However, in 2020 the country recorded “death rates from Covid19 10 times higher than neighboring Norway”. This is reported at the start of an indepth study conducted by Nature, one of the most authoritative scientific journals, on the case of Sweden, a nation whose government has decided since the first months of the emergency to adopt a rather soft line, avoid lockdowns and restrictions and concentrate exclusively on the personal responsibility of the citizens. Two years into the pandemic, Nature has decided to draw a line and analyze the results of this “soft approach; What has emerged is disheartening for an advanced democracy equipped with all the scientific, political and cultural tools to avoid thousands of deaths and millions of infections.

“Morphine instead of oxygen for the old people. That was the end of their lives.”

The Nature study was carried out by eminent scientists (including Swedish), doctors and journalists, and the picture it paints resembles a real indictment of the country’s government and health authorities: In the summary of the dossier, the authors argue “that a scientific methodology had not been followed by those primarily responsible and by the responsible politicians alternative narratives considered validresulting in arbitrary political decisions. One of the reasons for Sweden’s failure is that the country’s highest health authority, the local public health authority, was merged with the Institute for Infectious Disease Control: the first relevant decision taken by the new head, Johan Carlson, who was to fire and transfer the six professors in charge to Karolinska Institutet, effectively freeing the agency of the necessary capacity to deal with a health emergency like Covid’s in achieving aNatural herd immunity and avoid closure of the company. The public health agency has labeled the advice of national scientists and international authorities as extreme positions: “By nature,” mandatory legislation has rarely been applied; Recommendations based on personal responsibility and without any sanctions were the rule. To once again make the strongest statement in the summary of the study: “Many older people already have it Get morphine instead of oxygen put an end to their lives despite having supplies”.

Citizens remained in the dark about how the virus is transmitted

According to the researchers, “The Swedish people kept in the dark about such basic facts as airborne transmission of SARSCoV2that asymptomatic individuals can be contagious and that face masks protect both the vector and the others. ethically and scientifically questionable, a consequence of the structural problems of society. There was more emphasis on protecting the ‘Swedish image’ than on saving and protecting lives or on an evidencebased approach. A strategy that has never been discussed among all interested circles or communicated to the public. In addition, there was a reluctance and inability at all levels of government to admit possible mistakes; or taking responsibility for outcomes that are clearly detrimental to Swedish society. There have also been attempts to revise history by altering or deleting official documents, communications, and websites, and by diverting public opinion. A total failure, then.