Election in the Democratic Republic of Congo The European Union

Election in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The European Union announces the cancellation of its observation mission

The European Union has decided to cancel its election observation mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo in its original form. She explains that this is due to technical limitations beyond her control. It appears to have not received authorization to use its communications equipment, including telephones and satellite internet kits.

Published on: November 29, 2023 – 7:06 p.m

1 minute

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

The European Union did not wait A new meeting is planned for this Wednesday in the afternoon in the Congolese capital. The decision was made directly by Josep Borell. Brussels believes it has been patient enough, reveals a diplomat stationed in Kinshasa.

In a laconic press release, the EU calls on the Congolese authorities and all actors involved in this process to continue their efforts to ensure that the Congolese people can fully exercise their legitimate political and civil rights in the next elections. Kinshasa has not yet responded to this decision.

The consequences of such a measure are difficult to estimate at this point. “It’s a delicate situation. In any case, we must ensure that trust is maintained,” states a European diplomat.

However, not everything is lost yet. The EU says it is examining other options with the Congolese authorities, including the possibility of maintaining a mission consisting of only a small group of electoral experts who would monitor the electoral process from the capital.