1675044933 Elections 2022 too many centenarians to vote abroad open inquiry

Elections 2022, too many centenarians to vote abroad: open inquiry

Either you live better and longer abroad, or something is wrong with the number centenarians who last voted abroad political elections September 2022. The complaint dates from Andrea Di Giuseppe, deputy of brothers of Italy dialed in center and North America. The 58-year-old resident of Miami Beach He noted that the percentage of voters who have completed the cent age it was special high at his college. A file was opened to clarify the facts after he had been reported without any assumption of the offence. The investigations were assigned to financial guardian.

According to La Repubblica, after receiving the details of the eligible persons from the Interior Ministry, the parliamentarian submitted his details Complaint: “A situation arises – states the complaint – that lacks credibility and demonstrates the unreliability of the list itself, a fact which leads us to conclude that the Result could be changes“. Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Jamaica, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis and United States of America: are the 22 countries included in the constituency where Di Giuseppe was elected. Here you have the right to vote 437802 citizens Italian. Of these, 2218 have already celebrated their 100th birthday, see 0.5%. A very high number compared to those registered on the national territory: only of the 51 million beneficiaries 17177 They are centenarians (Istat data as of January 1, 2021), so little more than 0.03%.

When voting abroad, there are the usual difficulties:

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When voting abroad, there are the usual difficulties: “Billing slips not received or with the wrong heading, which means that a fundamental right is lost.”

The hypothesis is that among the 2,000+ long-lived Italians, some live in Central and North America are deadbut that her death has not been reported. That way someone else would vote for the deceased. “Analysis of the data makes it realistic – the complaint continues – that there are tens of thousands of people who appear on the lists although deceased and that it is therefore very probable that there are gods in their names third who exercise voting rights. fact could be not occasionally”.