Elections in El Salvador When do the general elections start

Elections in El Salvador: When do the general elections start? The Republic of Peru

General elections will take place in El Salvador on February 4th, during which the president of the Central American country will be announced. Photo: LR/Freepik composition

More than six million Salvadorans are called to take part in the next national elections, which are marked by the expectation that the current president will seek a second five-year term. Nayib Bukele.

There is a possibility that Bukele will become the first president in recent history to repeat this position The saviour is causing debate as some academics and legal scholars believe the constitution prohibits immediate re-election.

When does voting start in El Salvador?

The decisive event for Salvadoran democracy will take place on Sunday, February 4th. All voting centers across the country are open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., including lunch.

The vote, which is national in nature, will cover several positions, namely that of President, Vice President and 60 Deputies of the Legislative Assembly They are the most prominent.

refer to legislative assembly, its composition will be reduced from 84 to 60 deputies from May 1, following a reform approved in June 2023 requested by President Bukele. The Vice President of The saviour, Felix Ulloaalso with the permission of the campaign representatives, is still aiming to lead the executive branch together with Bukele.

These elections elect the President, the National Assembly and the Central American Parliament. Photo: La Noticia SV

Elections in El Salvador: Where should I vote?

He Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) of the country has activated a website with useful resources for voters, such as the location of the Voting centers. To find out where to vote, you can access the following link: Consulta.tse.gob.sv

Therefore, you should approach it with yours ID card or unique identity document (DUI) in perfect condition. In both presidential and legislative elections, you can vote with an expired DUI as approved by the Legislative Assembly. On this occasion, more than 693,000 Salvadorans will have the opportunity to vote.

It should be noted that in the days before and on election day, the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in accordance with legal regulations The saviour.

Carrying weapons, both white and firearms, is also prohibited when voting. The new president will take possession of the nation next Saturday, June 1st.

Web portal of the Supreme Electoral Court to query your polling station. Photo: TSE