1696110163 Elections in Slovakia According to the first election polls the

Elections in Slovakia: According to the first election polls, the pro Russian Robert Fico defeated the liberals of Renew Europe Il Riformista


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Elections in Slovakia: According to the first election polls, the pro-Russian Robert Fico lost to the liberals of Renew Europe

Wait Slovakia for the Results from that Choose Early parliamentarians who saw the Eastern European country go to vote today, Saturday September 30th. About 4.5 million are eligible A round of elections whose outcome is quite uncertain and linked to an obvious alliance problem and affecting the EU countries that support itUkraine by sending weapons. The vote is also the test of disinformation: in recent months, the Slovak Republic has actually been the subject of one very violent disinformation campaign Pro-Russia and anti-NATO. The polling stations closed 22 local time and Italian time, the results are expected overnight.

LIVE UPDATES September 30th – 11:30 p.m

Another forecast: The PS Liberals are still ahead

Elections in Slovakia According to the first election polls theAlso a another exit poll According to the study conducted by Median for RTVS, PS, Progressive Slovakia is slightly ahead of the populists of SMER: 20% against 19.1%.

From the editorial team September 30th – 11:20 p.m

Guy Verhofstadt: big victory for Europe

“Excellent poll results for Simecka and PS in the elections that will decide the future of Slovakia!” “A big victory for liberal democracy, support for Ukraine and a stronger and more democratic 🇪🇺 against Putin’s populism,” said the MEP and former Belgian Prime Ministers Guy Verhofstadt:


From the editorial team September 30th – 11:10 p.m

If the election polls are confirmed, a pro-European majority would be possible

If the election polls are confirmed, he would be a left-wing populist Robert Fico he could not rule in any way. On the contrary: the liberal PS party leads with 42 of the 150 seats in the Bratislava parliament Michal Simecka he could lead a pro-European and pro-Western coalition. The Social Democrats could be allies Hilas (22 seats) and some smaller parties: the People’s Party of OL’ANNO (14 seats) and the Christian Democrats of Kdh (10 seats). Together they would have, again according to current election surveys, 88 of the 75 required seats.

Surely Not available However, the right-wing liberals would belong to a coalition of this kind SaS (11 seats) and far right Republica (11 seats), of course in addition to the party SMER from Fico with its 40 seats.

From the editorial team September 30th – 10:50 p.m

Election exit poll: The liberal party PS in first place, Robert Fico in second place

1696110148 809 Elections in Slovakia According to the first election polls theThe first polls for the Slovakian election have finally been published.

Surprisingly, the PS Liberals are in first place with well over 20%. Progressive SlovenskoProgressive Slovakia, member party of Renew Europe in the European Parliament and led by Michal Simecka: According to the election polls, the party would have received 23.5% of the vote and 42 seats.

Over 20%, as predicted in many polls, is in the first party, but in the second with 21.9% of the vote Left-wing populists SMER led by Robert Ficopro-Russian and anti-Western, although he still belongs (with many discontents) to the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group in Brussels. SMER would have 40 of the 150 seats of the new parliament.

In third place are the (pro-Western) Social Democrats Hilas: They would have received 12.2% of the vote and 22 seats.

By Alessio De Giorgi September 30th – 10:02 p.m

The first “blind” exit polls have appeared

As expected, the Markíza TV station At exactly 10 p.m. it published the first “blind” election polls without mentioning the names of the parties.

1696110150 364 Elections in Slovakia According to the first election polls theAs can be seen in the image, only two parties would get over 20% of the vote: one with 23.5% (with 42 out of 150 seats allocated) and one with 21.9% (with 40 seats). Which of the two is the pro-Russian SMER and which is the pro-Western and liberal PS is currently unknown, but in any case the election polls would only partially confirm the last published polls, which gave the SMER only over 20%.

1696110152 624 Elections in Slovakia According to the first election polls theAccording to the survey, another 5 parties would exceed the 5% threshold. It is currently unknown what this is.

As for them Distribution of seats in parliamentthe parties would divide them up as follows: the winner would have 42 seats, the second would have 40, the third would have 22, the fourth would have 14, the fifth would have 11, the sixth would have 11 and the seventh would have 10 seats.

From the editorial team September 30th – 9:05 p.m

The first exit polls are expected for 10:45 p.m

Slovakia will decide on the new composition of the parliament today as part of early parliamentary elections. The district election commissions for the Postal voting from abroad They began counting the votes received from abroad at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The voting moratorium has been extended due to the death of a voter at a polling station in Považská Bystrica and will last until at 10:45 p.mTime at which they will begin The first exit polls are available. However, the Markíza television station is expected to publish the first data at 10 p.m., although without mentioning the names of the parties.

From the editorial team September 30th – 9:02 p.m

Portrait of Robert Fico, the left-wing populist who is embarrassing Europe’s socialists: The EU risks another Orban

There War In Ukraine? A conflict between United States and Russia. Ukraine in Born? It would lead to World War III. The NATO tactical battalion is stationed in Slovakia? How Nazis. The supply of weapons to Ukraine? Stop immediately. The NGOpresent in Slovakia Who receives funding from abroad? Foreign agents. The current government? And from Soros. You don’t have to travel many kilometers to find similar ideas: from BratislavaCapital of Slovakia, a BudapestIn fact, the journey only takes an hour. But the political distance is certainly smaller.

It is about Robert FicoKey member of the Left Party, born from the ashes of the Communist Party, until 2000, founder of SMERa celebration social democratic still a member of the group today S&D in BrusselsPrime Minister of Slovakia from 2006 to 2010 and then from 2012 to 2018. Fico resigned in 2018 due to a very ugly affair involving the brutal murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his partner, whose investigations – related to corruption – touched him, then fell from grace Survey for several years (from 20% to 8%) until the last few months, in which, thanks to these positions, he appears as a small demagogue populist (left) prevailed despite popular dissatisfaction at 18.7% (a poll from early June, however, showed 24.2%). And with elections scheduled for September 30th, a weak minority government led by the young liberal woman Zuzana Čaputová, pro-Western, pro-Europe and anti-corruption, and the growing anti-NATO and pro-Putin sentiment in the Population that The risk of a second Orban in the European Union is becoming more real every day.

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By Alessio De Giorgi September 30th – 9 p.m

The meaning of the Slovak elections

THE Survey They see the party “Towards Social Democracy” (Smer-Sd) as slightly favored Roberto Fico, credited with 22% of the vote. Fico has served as prime minister in the past and was forced to resign due to a scandal surrounding the murder of a journalist. Jan Kuciakwho had written about people who were close to himNdrangheta in Slovakia and their connections to Slovak politicians. His girlfriend Martina Kušnírov was also killed with him.

Fico’s party is left-wing populist, pro-Russian and anti-Westernopenly anti Born and against supporting Ukraine, which is theoretically a member of the European Group of Socialists and Democrats. Second, the PS Liberals are growing, but remain at 17%. Progressive Slovenskomoderate and pro-Western led by Michal Simecka, one of the 14 Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament and the first speaker ever from Slovakia. At 13% i Social Democrats and at 7% theextreme right From Republicawith whom Fico could – it is not a paradox – ally himself if the numbers allow it.

By uniting the moderate right and left with growing consensus, former journalist Simecka hopes to form the new government. It is a Supporter of NATO and Ukraineas well as climate protection and human rights. Simecka has ruled out working with Smer-Sd after the election, but could work with Voce-Socialdemocracy (Hlas-Sd). Peter Pellegrini: Fico’s former party colleague who became his archenemy and successor, moderate, pro-European and advocate of a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

From the editorial team

also read

FILE - Former Slovak Prime Minister and leader of the left-wing SMER - Social Democracy party Robert Fico arrives for an election rally in Michalovce, Slovakia, on Wednesday, September 13, 2019.  February 6, 2023. The populist former prime minister plans to roll back the country's military and political support for neighboring Ukraine, posing a direct challenge to the European Union and NATO if he returns to power.  (AP Photo/Petr David Josek, File) Associated Press/LaPresse Italy and Spain only

Robert Fico, the left-wing populist who is embarrassing Europe's socialists: The EU risks another Orban

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