Elena Basile thequotformer ambassadorquot ended in storming positions on Israel

Elena Basile, the"former ambassador" ended in storming positions on Israel Hamas

Born in 1959, she is the author of several books and articles on the war in Ukraine, which have caused controversy because they are considered pro-Russian. Her qualifications are also at the center of the controversy: the Association of Italian Diplomats (SNDMAE) spoke in a note of “an improper use of the title of ambassador.” To X you replied: “Ridiculous, petty bureaucracy. Mud machine.”

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First the fight in Otto e mezzo with Aldo Cazzullo, then the exit from the scene in the middle of an episode of Piazzapulita. In recent days, the debate about the war between Hamas and Israel has been sparked not only on television by Elena Basile, born in 1959 and often referred to by guests and hosts as “ambassador”: a title, however, used by the Union of Hamas Italian diplomats (SNDMAE), who spoke in a note of “an improper use of the title of ambassador,” are not recognized.

Books and articles

Basile is not only a diplomat, but also a writer: her novels “Women, nothing but women” (Il Ventaglio), “A life elsewhere” (Newton Compton), “Miraggi” (Castelvecchi) and “In the family” (La Nave di Teseo). Last year, Basile also wrote several articles in Il Fatto Quotidiano under the pseudonym “Ipatia,” some of which came under fire for being considered pro-Russian. Among them was an article entitled “Kiev’s position puts all Ukrainians in danger.” He accused the Ukrainian government of “sending 250,000 very young people to their deaths (I round down) and is in the process of massacring more according to the will of NATO.”

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The arguments on television

Within 24 hours, Basile made headlines for several televised arguments on the subject of the war between Hamas and Israel. The first with Aldo Cazzullo, on Otto e mezzo, when commenting on the fact that the White House had spoken of few American hostages, he replied: “Very few American hostages is bad news, if there were a lot of hostages, I think, that the United States could take on this role of moderation …” The other guest’s response is harsh: “How can you say that it is not good news that there are few American hostages, but shame on you Your scholarship?” The following evening, Basile discussed in the Piazzapulita with, among others, the host Corrado Formigli, Mario Calabresi and the director of the International Affairs Institute Nathalie Tocci. After complaining that she had been interrupted several times, she left the studio: “I’m leaving, I don’t calm down when I think about the children in Gaza who are waiting to die while we are here discussing whether Hamas is one terrorist organization and whether Israel has to respect the rules. This is not a legal question, it is a political question.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani visits southern Israel, October 13, 2023. ANSA/PRESS OFFICE ++HO - NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY++

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The question of the title of an ambassador

The nickname with which Basile has been defined several times, i.e. “ambassador” or “former ambassador”, also causes discussion. The Union of Italian Diplomats commented on the issue: “The SNDMAE, the union representing Italian diplomats, expresses the solidarity and closeness of the entire diplomatic career to the people and the State of Israel for the brutal terrorist attack on Saturday, October 7th, out of. The same.” The mood is directed against all countries whose compatriots, like Italy, are indiscriminately on the list of people kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. “While the Sndmae respects the free opinion of all,” the statement continues, “it stigmatizes public statements and interventions that cast a shadow on the loyalty of career members themselves to Republican values, such as those of my now retired member In any case, her colleague Elena Basile never registered with the union and never reached the highest level of her career, as a misuse of the ambassador title would suggest. In fact, Dr. Basile gave up her diplomatic career with this rank. She was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary and although, after serving in Tananarive, Toronto, Budapest and Lisbon and also carrying out pro tempore duties as head of mission in Sweden and Belgium during her career, she never went to the was promoted to the rank of ambassador. This is not a mere formal distinction, but rather a correct information for the public from the moment when the title of ambassador directly influences the perception of the authority of the interlocutor.”

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Basile’s answer to X

Basile responded to the debate about her position with a post on “Ridiculous, petty bureaucracy. Mud machine”.

TOPSHOT - Palestinians with their belongings flee to safer areas in Gaza City after Israeli airstrikes on October 13, 2023.  Israel has joined the United States in calling for the immediate relocation of 1.1 million people in Gaza amid massive bombings in retaliation for Hamas attacks, warning the nations "destructive" Consequences.  (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED / AFP) (Photo by MOHAMMED ABED/AFP via Getty Images)

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The exodus from Gaza City has begun, Hamas invites people to “stay”. THE PHOTOS


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