1694227344 ELENA LYSA BERARDO JULIEN Surete du Quebec Surete du Quebec

ELENA-LYSA BERARDO-JULIEN – Sûreté du Québec – Sûreté du Québec

The Sûreté du Québec is asking the public for help in finding Elena-Lysa Berardo-Julien, 31, of Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier.

She was last seen walking on foot at the intersection of Route 158 and the Ring de la Rivière Bayonne in Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier at around 3:00 p.m. today, September 8th. It would also have captured the Sainte-Philomène and Cascades mountain ranges and could land in the Sainte-Élisabeth sector.

His loved ones have reason to fear for his health and safety. ELENA LYSA BERARDO JULIEN Surete du Quebec Surete du Quebec

Height: 1.52 m (5 feet)
Weight: 64kg (140 pounds)
Dark hair
Eyes: Even

When she was last seen, she was wearing a dark blue hoodie, black jeans, black Skechers shoes (pink inside), sunglasses and a handbag. Black and white floral pattern.

Anyone who sees Elena-Lysa Berardo-Julien is asked to contact 911. Additionally, any information that may help locate this person can be forwarded confidentially to the Sûreté du Québec Crime Information Center at 1 800 659-4264.

Event number: 156-230908-003