Elenoire Ferruzzi will not award Daniele Dal Moro Big Brother

Elenoire Ferruzzi will not award Daniele Dal Moro Big Brother VIP

Elenoire is injured by the attachment Daniele and confide in Antonella to get angry at the competitor’s lack of sincerity. According to the VIP, the attraction was there, but Daniele continues to deny.

Antonella tries to give her another point of view, repeating that there may have been some misunderstandings: “If he sees you as a friend, don’t give him more trust.”

The VIP is angry with this reading of the relationship with Daniele: “It will never pass me”. “I loved him,” he explains to Antonella, but he feels some wounds have been reopened.

The fencer shows her all her sadness, she is really touched by the pain the VIP is feeling and hopes that Elenoire will meet someone outside of the program who can love her for who she is.

However, the competitor does not feel this need and claims to feel comfortable even when alone. “The alchemy between people is not planned”, he comments to Antonella, if it should happen it will happen, but the conversation with Daniele is anything but that.

Tired of being told she misunderstands other people’s attitudes, Elenoire explains to the competitor that she no longer wants to hear her fooling herself: “I don’t seek attention”. Also, he points out that what happened to Daniele didn’t happen to the others.

Antonella hopes both VIPs find each other and find a way to have some form of relationship, but Elenoire doesn’t want to go back and tells the fencer that it’s over for her now.