Eliminated evening friends on April 30 coming out between Nunzio

Eliminated evening friends on April 30, coming out between Nunzio and Albe Leichic.it ​​​​​​LeiChic

Eliminated Amici on the evening of April 30 going out between Nunzio and AlbeEliminated Amici on the evening of April 30 going out between Nunzio and Albe. Another evening challenge to Amici on the April 30, 2022 episode. Who left the show? Who was eliminated from Amici tra Nunzio and Albe?

Eliminated Amici on the evening of April 30 going out between Nunzio and Albe

Yes, because I went to the final vote nuncio and Albe, dancer and singer, who therefore have to wait for the result when they return to the house after the episode ends. It will be Maria De Filippi who will communicate with the children who will have to leave Amici’s school forever.

Albe and Nunzio, who got eliminated?

This is how the prelims of the episode of the Amici evening on April 30, 2022 went.

1st round: Zerbi and Celentano vs. Cuccarini and Todaro

Luigi against Nunzio wins Luigi
Michele against Sissi wins Sissi
Luigi against Nunzio wins Luigi.
Alex, Nunzio and Serena in the second round.

In the final vote Nunzio.

2nd run Zerbi and Celentano vs. Peparini and Pettinelli

Challenge glove Michele vs. Dario wins Michele
Albe against Luigi wins Albe
The glove is deflated the album against Luigi singing “Vagabondo che son io” and Luigi wins
To the drain Albe and except Dario.

3rd run Zerbi and Celentano vs Cuccarini and Todaro

Gauntlet Serena vs Michele wins Serena accompanied by Alex singing softly and with voice
Alex vs Luigi, Luigi wins
Michele vs. Sissi, The Prince doesn’t know who to choose and is therefore cancelled
Another challenge Michele against Sissi and this time Sissi takes the point.
The ballot says Luigi, Michele for sure.

In the final vote: Luigi, Albe and Nunzio. In the election to leave: Albe and Nunzio.

Although we’ll have to wait for the end of the Evening Friends episode to find out the outcome, the name of the eliminated seems to have been leaked.

In fact, we read on the internet:

Nunzio Stancampiano was eliminated from the seventh episode of the evening. The Latin dancer would have been defeated in the vote by Anna Pettinelli’s pupil Albe and after winning three votes Nunzio would have been eliminated from the competition one step before the final…

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