Elisa Claps what happened the story of how she was

Elisa Claps, what happened: the story of how she was killed, why and when her body was found

Who was Elisa Claps and, most importantly, why was she killed? A news that led to the final conviction of her murderer, Danilo Restivo, just 26 years after the young woman’s disappearance. A long, dramatic story whose turning point came with the discovery of the body on March 17, 2010, when the young woman’s remains were found hidden in the attic floor of the Potenza Church of the Santissima Trinità, where Elisa had gone on the day of her disappearance .

The focus is on Case of the murder of Elisa Claps Given that the television series that traces the last hours of his life is aired on Rai. From the relationships with the brothers Gildo and Luciano Claps to those with his executioner: Danilo Restivo, who was finally convicted of his brutal murder nine years ago.

Who was Elisa Claps? Who found his body? What was her connection to the man who killed her? The series answers all of these questions and sheds light on one of the most discussed crime stories of recent years.

On the other hand, it is a murder over 30 years ago – It was September 12, 1993, when Elisa Claps had just turned 16 years old. – Elisa Claps’ legal affair only ended nine years ago, exactly on October 23, 2014, when the final sentence by Danilo Restivo who has since also killed another woman, Heather Barnett. The reconstruction of the facts and the investigation required a very long work, including collaboration between the Italian and English investigators, before the truth emerged.

TO 30 years since his death by Elisa Claps. Her murder remains one of the most gruesome and disturbing murders known to us, not only because of her young age, but also because of the special circumstances in which the facts and investigation took place between the victim’s family and a painful person’s search for the truth and the later convicted main suspect with his cold defense strategy. Now let’s look back the story of Elisa ClapsHere you will find out what happened to her and how she died.

The story of Elisa Claps

Elisa Claps, 16 years old and a student at the Potenza classical high school, has disappeared Sunday September 12, 1993the exact day on which She was killed, but that was discovered later. Initially, his disappearance was investigated, also due to various attempts to mislead.

On that day, Elisa was supposed to meet with a friend at 11 a.m. to receive a gift, then go to mass with a friend, and finally join the family in the house in the countryside in Tito, as the victim did with one of the brothers on the same day told day.

Of course, Elisa never reached her family that Sunday and the investigation into her disappearance and then her death began.

What happened to her?

The investigation into the disappearance of Elisa Claps took a long time, as many obstacles stood in the way of the investigators’ work and the family’s efforts. Among the various MisdirectionsThere is the letter from 1999 that the family itself received that said Elisa Claps did it moved to Brazil and she didn’t want to be looked for. Only years later was it confirmed that it was his murderer who had laid this false trail.

Two years before the letter, in 1997, a report from the Sisde (Information and Computer Security Service) said that the girl had been killed in a “remote but very busy” location, a clue that has long been cryptic stayed.

Elisa’s family never stopped searching for her, participating in the investigation and continuing to work hard to spread her story. Suffice it to say that the victim’s mother had asked that the investigation be focused on the boyfriend she was supposed to be meeting. Danilo Restivowho was later convicted of her murder.

Not only, the brothers Gildo and Giuliano Claps They were looking for Elisha in the Holy Trinity Church, unfortunately in vain because the priest wasn’t there. That’s exactly where they were found by some workers in 2010 the remains of the body from Elisa, along with her personal belongings. The pastor, Don Domenico Sabia, called Mimì, had actually prevented any access to the attic. It wasn’t until two years after his death that the victim’s body was found, certainly not entirely by chance.

The Claps family has always maintained that the discovery was staged and that the body had apparently been found previously.

Who was investigated?

For the murder of Elisa Claps, the first suspicions focused precisely on Danilo Restivothe friend he met the day he died, which actually happened convicted of his murder.

Only the discovery of the body made it possible to bring charges against Restivo, framed by the fingerprint analysis of the finds. The victim’s T-shirt actually had traces of it DNA his murderer.

A big boost for the investigation after the body was found was the cooperation with the English authorities, who have now tried Danilo Restivo for the murder of another woman and sentenced him to 40 years in prison. Heather Barnett.

The man is currently still serving his sentence while prison awaits him 30 years imprisonment Finally confirmed in 2014 by the Court of Cassation, in addition to the permanent ban from public office, a suspended sentence of three years at the end of the sentence and compensation of 700,000 euros to the Claps family.

In any case, the correlation between the two murders was determined by Restivo’s particular approach, including the cut off a lock of hair from the victim as well as her underwear, all after she was killed.

How she died

According to the investigators’ reconstructions, Daniele Restivo committed actual crimes Obsessions for the girls who caught her interest and started tormenting her with it Anonymous phone calls and letters and quite disturbing, just like it happened to young Elisa. Her brother Gildo had already intervened several times to help her remove Danilo, who was becoming more and more persistent and annoying.

A mania that caused him to become aggressive and violent when rejected, to the point where he killed two women for the same reason. After arranging a meeting and convincing Elisa Claps on the pretext of giving her a gift, he killed her.

According to the autopsy findings, she died after recovering well 13 shots caused by a sharp-edged weapon. The murderer then cut off a lock of her hair and her underwear. The jewelry she wore that day and remnants of her clothing were found next to her remains, which was evidence to convict her attacker.