Elisa DOspina is furious on social media after the words

Elisa D’Ospina is furious on social media after the words of Anna Pettinelli

It’s a raging river Elisa D’Ospina after Interview with Anna Pettinelli on the Gente website. The radio announcer, regarding the paternity of Stefano Macchi, her ex said:

Shortly thereafter, however, I had to learn from the social networks he had started with Elisa D’Ospina and who are now expecting a child.

I’m happy for him and I think he’s happy, otherwise he would go crazy. As for me, I’m calm, it was over with him for a while. However, I believe there should be some etiquette for those breaking up: It’s indelicate to flaunt a new love on Instagram when another one is just about done.

The influencer blurted out on social media:

It’s indecent to be fired because I’m dating the ex of someone’s mother’s mother who’s part of a radio crew at 4pm on August 13th after I was supposed to be back a week later. And maybe even more to talk about an unborn being, fruit of the love of two people who have met and are living together peacefully after two separations. I read crazy things around. Nausea and not because of pregnancy this time.

The best thing life has taught me is that when you meet bad people along the way, it’s always a good thing. You learn to be exactly the opposite and to distance yourself from it. You know pretty well what you’re not allowed to become.

An insensitive son. From one to 1000, by the way, how disgusting is a statement like that about a being that has yet to be born? I’ve seen a lot of shit, but never like this, I swear.

Shortly after, Pettinelli shared the interview on her Instagram profile, pointing the finger at some websites that misrepresented her words:

This is the article that reproduces my statements which have been misrepresented by various newspapers. We’d have to sue title holders who dip their feathers in bile. That’s the truth.