Elisabeth Benny Benny Co An ambitious successor

Elisabeth Benny, Benny & Co. | An ambitious successor | –

Elisabeth Benny, 36, was recently named vice president of marketing and public relations, moving up the ranks at Benny & Co., the restaurant chain co-founded by her grandfather.

Published yesterday at 7:00 am.


She and her brothers now form the new management and bring new life into the company.

We think big, like the founders!

Elizabeth Benny

With more than 2,000 employees, including 38 named Benny, the company, founded in 1960, retains its roots and family values… but follows the path of modernity.

New headquarters, modernly renovated restaurants, renewed logo, introduction of products in grocery stores… There have been numerous innovations at Benny & Co. in recent years.

“We have modernized the brand image,” says the woman, who has held various positions in the restaurants and headquarters over the past 15 years. The dining rooms look more inviting. »

Inspired by the two generations before her, Elisabeth Benny and her partners are leading a brilliant expansion: 25 branches have opened their doors in the last 5 years. There are a total of 77 in Quebec.

While respect, team spirit, skills development and excellence continue to be at the heart of the company’s values, for the mother of two small children the compatibility of work and family, flexibility, agility and openness are important.

“Our family passed on the spirit of entrepreneurship to us,” she notes. We want to push this further… Anything is possible! »