Elisabetta Canalis the controversy explodes the detail sparks the clash

Elisabetta Canalis, the controversy explodes: the detail sparks the clash Sportitalia.it

Elisabetta Canalis, the controversy explodes: the physical detail sparks the dispute between fans. A post by the Sardinian model and showgirl causes discussions

Drive back and forth between the USA and Italy, Elizabeth Canalis. While doubts and perplexity are increasing about the solidity of the relationship with her husband, the American surgeon Brian Perri, who does not appear in the video published by the 44-year-old Sardinian model, which lists all her most beautiful and significant moments of 2022, the former Parchment from Striscia la Notia is in “his” Milan these days to spend the holidays at the end of the year with his daughter, Skyler Eve.

Elisabetta Canalis in ItalyElisabetta Canalis – Sportitalia.it

After all, the Lombard capital has always been the city of the heart Elizabeth Canalis, in Milan, the beautiful showgirl from Sassari took her first steps both on the catwalk and on the small screen. And it is always the nostalgia for Italy and Milan that makes her decide to spend a few days in our country when her professional commitments allow.

After all, the life of the ex tissue is very intense and full of activities: from photo shoots for fashion magazines to commercials made as testimonials for big brands of clothing and beauty products, Bobo Vieri’s ex-girlfriend’s free time is often a chimera. And what little he can work out, he mainly devotes to his daughter.

Elisabetta Canalis, the social shot, splits the fans: the clash is raging

And then there’s sport: for a few years now, the Sardinian model has been devoting herself to kickboxing, a discipline very similar to boxing, which is gaining more and more fans, especially among girls, with increasing commitment and success. Elizabeth Canalis Not only has she become a true champion, but she has also carved out the role of the best possible testimonial.

Both in Los Angeles, where he lives, and in Milan, where he returns as soon as possible, the former Velina has started supporting his first fights, all of which he has won for now. And perhaps it is thanks to the intense activity in the gym that Canalis’ physique has changed in recent years: compared to the time of her presence on the Mediaset networks, her muscles are much more defined and visible.

Changes that did not please all fans, so much so that they caused a real debate on social networks. In particular, the last shot that appeared in profile Instagram of the Sardinian showgirl has caused a real uproar among the supporters, who have split into two opposing fronts.

There are those who appreciate the “new”. Elizabeth Canalis, so thin and with a flat and dry stomach, as can be seen in the photo published a few hours ago. To someone instead the emphatically athletic physique of the former Vale Press It is not very good. To unleash a lawsuit that is set to continue in the coming days.

“She’s too thin, she’s reduced to skin and bones,” writes one fan. “He eats well and does a lot of exercise, I don’t see where the problem lies,” replies another. And this question and answer continues in the same vein.