Elisabetta Canalis the heartfelt and desperate appeal splits the web

Elisabetta Canalis, the heartfelt and desperate appeal splits the web | Life hangs by a thread just for show

Elisabetta Canalis - solospettacolo.it Elisabetta Canalis – solospettacolo.it (web source)

The showgirl Elisabetta Canalis makes a touching appeal to all of Italy: she too took a stand after the tragedy.

The Soubrette is back from a rather turbulent time: after the recent announcement of the Separation from husband Brian PerriElisabetta Canalis is once again in the paparazzi’s sights thanks to her alleged love affair with athlete Georgian Cimpeanu.

The new acquaintance could give her a lot of headaches over custody of her daughter Skyler Eva, who prefers the showgirl fly under the radarwithout making an official statement on the matter at the moment.

However, their delicate personal vicissitudes do not prevent them from conquering the field for themselves stand up for a hotly contested cause and current, ie the Fate of the Bear Jj4responsible for the death of the young runner Andrea papi on Monte Peller in Trentino.

After the cull order was temporarily suspended from the TAR Thanks to the concerted action of animal rights groups, the life of the now-captive specimen is still preserved hanging by a thread

Elisabetta Canalis on the front line for Jj4

Numerous organizations such as LAV and WWF have spoken out strongly against the killing of wild animals and have proposed an alternative safe and secure place for the same. Jj4, captured and imprisoned in the Casteller facility in Trento, has been separated from her family 3 puppiesand now risks a vengeful death sentence.

Yes, because the abundance of bear specimens in Trentino is a problem that has plagued the entire territory for years, with obvious disregard for the institutions that currently only exist suggested killing animals particularly aggressive or problematic. The same father of the victim, consistent with his wife’s account, reported: “The life of the bear Jj4 will not give us back our child. It’s too easy trying to end this tragedy by eliminating an animal that cannot be blamed for the will to kill. We are not interested in political trophies: we demand that Andrea be restored to dignity and justice.” Words that hide immense anguish; a clear analysis that prompted a simultaneous response from public opinion and show business personalities. Among the followers of Jj4’s right to lifealso noticeable Elizabeth Canalis who, on his Instagram stories, urged his followers to sponsor the petition proposed by LAV on change.org.

Screenshot of Elisabetta Canalis - solospettacolo.itScreenshot of Elisabetta Canalis – solospettacolo.it (Source Instagram)

mother’s words

Although overwhelmed by the pain of the immense loss, Andrea Papi’s mother made a very eloquent statement to the press: “I want to make one thing clear: It’s not my son’s fault, nor is it the bear’s fault“.

The fault must be sought in the mismanagement of those who have managed the Life Ursus project over time, which is now spiraling out of control“. And she concludes bitterly: “Killing the bear won’t give Andrea back to me. The management of this project has become more careless and insufficient, not taking into account and evaluating the growth of bear numbers and population…”.

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