Elodie hot pole dancing lights up the Assago Forum Chiara

Elodie hot, pole dancing lights up the Assago Forum. Chiara Ferragni and Diletta Leotta among the fans: “Crazy”

Elodie He made all his people romp and dance Fan Who attended the concert? Assago Forum in Milan. There were also friends among them Diletta Leotta And Chiara Ferragni Who, in the stands, between a Selfies and a song sung from the heart, they had a great time. Light up SocialThen the pictures of the ballet went viral sexy The Elodie brought on stage as she performed to the tune of the new song “Red light”: The singer performed a ballet in a silver and black bodysuit and leather boots Pole Dance.

Super sexy Elodie

Elodie left the audience speechless Assago: with her hot outfits and her ballet Pole Dance He surprised everyone with the performance he brought to the stage. In fact, he not only sang but also danced (without ever trying too hard) as each song had its own choreography. It was certainly the motto of the evening “Freedom”a term that is of fundamental importance to the singer, as she has repeatedly emphasized it Social that it is right that everyone can express themselves freely without being judged. For that, Elodie She was not afraid to venture on stage and performed dances and figures with attention to the smallest details. In addition, he duetted with various guests such as Rkomi And Marco Mengoni.

Diletta Leotta and Elodie together in the stadium with Andrea Iannone: “At work with my friends”. Only Loris Karius is missing

Diletta Leotta’s Instagram story

Diletta Leotta She is one of the closest friends of Elodie. The two often spent the summer holidays together or they were spotted by paparazzi at events, dinners or meetings with other friends. Recently, the sports presenter also presented hers little girl Aria to the singer who had herself immortalized with the little girl in her arms. Yesterday, during Elodie performed on stage, beloved was in the stands Chiara Ferragni and the singer’s two friends took a photo of each other Selfies where they then posted Instagram. Then when the time came for the duet with Rkomi, Chiara and Diletta they sang wildly “The Devil’s Tail”. Finally, after the concert, the presenter of Dazn She ran to the dressing rooms to congratulate her friend, who she called “crazy”: beloved he hugged and kissed Elodie and posted the photo including the red heart on his profile Instagram.

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