Elodie39s concert is a case with the municipality Forza Italia

Elodie's concert is a case with the municipality, Forza Italia asks for access to the documents

New unrest within the majority in the municipality between Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia. This time Elodie's New Year's Eve concert in Piazza Politeama is causing excitement. The Italian group leader Gianluca Inzerillo made a request for access to the documents to understand why, despite the 400,000 euros spent on the event, it was not possible to guarantee the fun except for the approximately 10,000 people present in front of the stage.

The proposal would have irritated the city councilor for culture, Giampiero Cannella, with whom Inzerillo had been arguing in the last few days about the movement of the chariot of Santa Rosalia, which from time immemorial had been stopped behind the Politeama.

This time the Forzista City Council wants to know why technical problems occurred and why there were difficulties with the artist's image rights, which, according to the mayor Roberto Lagalla at the City Council meeting on December 30, made it impossible to broadcast the artist's concert on the big screens, including the Roman singer's appearance on live television.

The reactions

“The New Year was a success in every respect, appreciated by the city, something of which FdI is proud,” says the Melonier city councilor Antonio Rini, who then speaks of an “irritating request” because it came “from the middle”. -Right faction leader who supports a council and a center-right mayor. And again: “For Councilor Inzerillo, original initiatives are not new, which in the recent past have risked causing strong flare-ups in the center-right. Among other things, the motion signed jointly with the opposition against differentiated autonomy and that for recognition.” The access of married couples to the documents of my colleague Inzerillo, as well as the recent statements in which he attacks the Meloni government and the city councilor Cannella, leave reasonable doubts that this is an abuse to attack the brothers of Italy in an incomprehensible way. It is clear that this attitude opens a political case with Forza Italia.”

“With what courage do Fratelli d'Italia describe the year-end concert as a 'success'? Perhaps they are the only ones in Italy who have not seen the gesture with which Elodie sends herself to the organization in this country after another audio interruption of her concert? Or perhaps they overlooked the fact that about ten thousand citizens benefited from the artist's performance after accepting the contractual condition imposed by the artist banning live broadcasts, compared to over six hundred thousand taxpayers? “, they explain in a note the local councilors of Progetto Palermo, Oso, the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and the Mixed Group.

“So a live broadcast,” the opposition councilors continued, “that only served as a platform for the interviews of the mayor and the city council is certainly something different than the viewers expected. The requested information with access to Inzerillo's documents is only part of it. “Questions that the entire city is asking and to which we expect a formal answer in the Chamber, where we expect Councilor Cannella to appear immediately to report.”

For Salvo Alotta, President of the City Council's Cultural Commission, “the organization of major events is now nothing new for Palermo, which has also made great progress in this area. The city councilors have the duty to verify the correctness of every action.” Local government, which also has an inspection function, and I am sure that Councilor Giampiero Cannella, with whom the Commission for the Culture of our City that I lead, has worked, as always for discussions will be available.”

Forza Italia distances itself from Inzerillo

“With regard to the request of the City Councilor of Forza Italia, Gianluca Inzerillo, for access to some documents of the City Council of Palermo, it is clear that he has made use of one of the prerogatives of the city councilors, which is intended to carry out management and control activities of the administration However, I cannot help but distance myself from the use of this tool by a representative of our party who, without hesitation, has committed himself to supporting and collaborating with the entire center-right coalition that leads the city . We are sure that this support and loyalty are shared and confirmed by all parties supporting the Lagalla Junta,” explains Marcello Caruso, regional coordinator of Forza Italia in Sicily.