1648332241 Elon Musk says its very difficult to make money effectively

Elon Musk says “it’s very difficult to make money effectively” if you’re more interested in results than philanthropic optics.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk on August 13, 2021 at a press event on the grounds of the Tesla Gigafactory near Berlin.Patrick Pururu / Photo Alliance by Getty Images

  • Elon Musk says he’s not worried about getting recognition for donating money.

  • He says this makes philanthropy difficult: “It’s very difficult to make money effectively.”

  • Tesla and SpaceX CEO is the wealthiest person in the world with a net worth of about $ 260 billion.

Elon Musk is the wealthiest person in the world, but he says it’s still difficult to give money to do good.

“When it comes to donations, I think it’s very difficult to donate money effectively,” Musk said in a recent conversation with Insider’s parent company, Axel Springer, CEO Matthias Dopfner. rice field.

When asked about his Foundation goals, Musk said he was more interested in the results than the optics of philanthropy. This makes it difficult for him to “effectively” distribute money, he says.

“It’s very difficult to give money effectively if you care about the reality of doing good, not the perception of doing good,” he said. “I care about reality. Perception is terrible.”

Despite what he said as a challenge to philanthropy, Musk continued, “I’m always looking for ways to give effective money.”

The CEOs of SpaceX and Tesla have raised many social causes during the conversation.

“There are obviously environmental causes, education, especially science and engineering education,” he said. “Pediatric care. Recent hunger is more of a political and logistics issue than lack of food. There is plenty of food. In the United States and many countries, the problem is obesity rather than hunger.”

Mask also touched on the positive changes that SpaceX and Tesla want to bring.

“I would like to emphasize that SpaceX and Tesla are basically intended to improve future quality,” he said. “Especially in terms of usefulness to humanity. Tesla by accelerating sustainable energy. And SpaceX by enabling multi-planetary sexual intercourse. This is more than I can do myself.”

The story continues

Musk is one of the wealthiest people in human history, with a net worth of about $ 260 billion. When asked how he felt about this, Mr. Musk said Russian President Vladimir Putin thought he was “much wealthier than I am.”

Musk also said at another point in the interview that Putin and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this month “cannot let Putin take over Ukraine.”

Read the original Business Insider article