Elon Musk wanted Tim Cooks job if Apple bought Tesla

Elon Musk wanted Tim Cook’s job if Apple bought Tesla, book claims

Did Elon Musk brazenly tell Tim Cook he wanted his job as Apple CEO? Normally we’d dismiss such a wild rumor immediately, but this is Elon Musk.

A new book about the Tesla founder and CEO alleges a dispute between Musk and Cook that ended with the latter swearing at the former and slamming the phone on the floor.

Both Musk and Apple have disputed the encounter brought to light by Tim Higgins’ new book, Power Play, but it’s quite a yarn.

The story claims Cook tried to buy the then-ailing electric car company in 2016. Here’s how the LA Times (via The Verge) tells the anecdote of Tesla, Elon Musk and the bet of the century:

Musk is interested, but one condition: “I’m CEO.”

Sure, says Cook. When Apple bought Beats in 2014, it retained founders Jimmy Iovine and Dr. dr

No, says Musk. Apple. Apple CEO.

“F- you,” says Cook and hangs up.

via LA Times

Ridiculous, right? But not exactly from Musk’s wheelhouse given the man’s boldness and past form. We also can’t imagine Tim Cook dropping the F-bomb for just being so nice.

Anyway, it seems academic, as both Apple and Musk have dismissed the claims, pointing out the trifle that Musk and Cook have never spoken to each other before. According to Musk’s tweet, “Cook and I have never spoken or written to each other.”

By also denying the report, Apple alerted reporters to comments he made about Musk during a previous interview. “You know, I’ve never spoken to Elon, although I have great admiration and respect for the company he built,” Cook said in April.