1690575023 Une ancienne responsable de Twitter decrit Elon Musk comme lunatique

Elon Musk’s defamation lawsuit against… the Anti-Defamation League?

Elon Musk announced his intention to sue the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in a publication on X a few hours ago.

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We can read on the verified account of the new owner of Twitter, which has been renamed the Anti-Defamation League… oh, the irony!”

The discord between Elon Musk and the ADL became clear when the tech mogul released his position on anti-Semitism without explanation:

“Let me be clear: I am for free speech but against anti-Semitism in all its forms,” he wrote this afternoon.

When asked about this publication in the comments, Mr. Musk stated: “Since the acquisition [de Twitter]the ADL is trying to destroy this platform by accusing it and me of being anti-Semitic.

According to NBC News, Tesla’s majority shareholder is accusing the Anti-Defamation League of being behind the X Platform’s loss of advertising revenue.

The ADL insisted it would not comment on the legal matter, but a spokesperson referred US News Channel reporters to a statement from the organization on #BanTheADL – a hashtag used for the owner has been discontinued, according to the organization.

Elon Musk's defamation lawsuit against... the Anti-Defamation League?


However, the loss of advertising revenue is not a new phenomenon on X.

NBC News revealed last November that several companies had pulled advertising from the platform because they were concerned about the changes the multibillionaire would make.

A vigilant stance that, according to Elon Musk, would be influenced by “activist groups” seeking to “destroy freedom of expression.”