Elsa Pataky transforms into an 87 year old woman so

Elsa Pataky transforms into an 87 year old woman so Chris Hemsworth can see her that way ahead of a possible Alzheimer’s disease

Chris Hemsworth has temporarily retired from acting after undergoing medical tests that confirmed his “biggest fear” that he is at increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

After this diagnosis, the popular Thor made the decision to spend more time with his family and to support him, Elsa Pataky, his wife, showed a great display of love that even made the actor emotional.

The Spanish actress dressed up as an 87-year-old woman so her husband can see her before Alzheimer’s attacks him.

Elsa Pataky transformed into an 87-year-old woman so Chris Hemsworth could see her that way after a possible Alzheimer’s disease

His Disney+ documentary series Limitless shows Chris Hemsworth undergoing the trials, but also shows his wife posing as an old woman to surprise the Australian actor.

“I’m not sure I want Chris to see me like that,” Elsa Pataky said as she prepared for the surprise.

When they finished applying their makeup, Elsa went to the meeting to meet her husband, who was surprised to see the actress like this and was so touched that she never stopped smiling, pointing out that “she still pretty is”.

“It’s a moment we will always remember. It was so deep, so unexpected, I felt safe, it was so beautiful. I want to live these years with you, we need these memories,” revealed the Spaniard.

The two actors starred in a very romantic scene that shed tears of emotion for millions of viewers, revealing that what Elsa has done is a show of true love.

The wonderful detail of his wife allowed Chris Hemsworth to face the possibility of having this disease without fear and losing fear of the passage of time.

“I think what’s quite confronting is approaching that age on my own. What makes it less scary is having someone to experience it with. When I’m around people to love, I feel so much more receptive.”