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Emergency government installed in Israel news

Following the unprecedented attack by radical Islamist Hamas, an emergency government including the opposition was created tonight in Israel. MPs voted 66 to four in favor of the emergency government in a special session after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered cooperation to the wartime opposition.

Netanyahu’s rival, Benni Ganz, and four members of his party were sworn in as ministers without a specific portfolio. Opposition leader Jair Lapid had already rejected participation in the emergency government.

Lapid refuses to participate

Lapid accused Netanyahu’s coalition government of failing in connection with the major attack by the Palestinian radical Islamic organization. “Saturday’s failure is unforgivable,” Lapid said in a televised speech.

He advocated a “government of national unity” and did not want to join a government with “extremists,” Lapid said, referring to Itamar Ben Gvir, minister of public security for the far-right Jewish Force party. However, Lapid is expected to maintain a free seat in the new cabinet, in which Netanyahu’s coalition partners, from the far right and the ultra-Orthodox, will continue to be present.