Emmabuntus Debian Edition 5 100 available based on Debian 121

Emmabuntü’s Debian Edition 5 1.00 available, based on Debian 12.1 Bookworm in 32 or 64 bit version and supports both Xfce and LXQt environments. – Developpez.com

Emmabuntus Debian Edition 5 100 available based on Debian 121

On August 29th, 2023, the Emmabuntüs collective has just announced the release of its new version Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 5 1.00, based on the Debian 12.1 Bookworm, available in 32 or 64 bits and supporting both Xfce and LXQt environments.

Remember that this distribution was created within Emmaüs to facilitate the recycling of computers donated to associations, especially humanitarian organizations, but also to encourage the discovery of GNU/Linux by beginners and at the same time the To extend the lifespan of computer hardware, reducing the waste associated with excessive consumption of raw materials.

This new version includes the basics of the Emmabuntüs DE4 and its latest developments as well as an improved system boot in live mode. On the other hand, the Wine and PlayOnLinux software have been removed from the distribution to keep the ISO in a size compatible with USB sticks in FAT32 format.

Also note the update of Scratch to the latest version 3.29.1 in the 64-bit version and the release of a Scratch introductory manual at Emmabuntüs.

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A page from the Scratch tutorial at Emmabuntüs

This release also includes the new Emerald graphic theme by Juliette Taka, as well as a revamped logo by Jean-Claude aka JCZ, as these two artists have both participated in wallpaper projects for Debian.

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Login screen with new Emerald design and EmmaDE5 logo
Installing this distro will be even easier thanks to the reuse keys now based on Ventoy and the automatic creation of clones for them.

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Emmabuntüs reuses the key interface to start the clone backup

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