Emmanuel Macron wants to ask Putin for a ceasefire on

Emmanuel Macron wants to ask Putin for a ceasefire on bombings and drone attacks

The French President said on Thursday he intends to call his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over Russian bombings and drone strikes, which he called “war crimes”.

French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday he intends to call his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over Russian bombings and drone strikes in Ukraine and when an agreement on the security of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant will be finalised.

“The most pressing issue today is to keep calling for a ceasefire on bombings and drone strikes,” he said during a press conference after a European summit in Brussels. “I intend to call President Putin on this issue because these attacks (…) are clearly war crimes, they (target) civilian infrastructure, civilians themselves,” he said. “It’s not the kind of special operation that he started, the war that he started in the beginning, which was a territorial conquest,” he added.

French President and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, the current president of ASEAN, on Tuesday called for “an immediate halt to airstrikes and drone strikes on Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure.” “I want this call to convince certain powers, China, India and others, to join us and put pressure on Russia,” he said.

The French president is also involved in negotiations surrounding the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to secure five nuclear power plants in Ukraine, including Zaporijia, which is occupied by the Russian army. “I want us to be able to fully achieve the withdrawal of heavy arms, light arms and the armed forces. We’re pretty close to getting it,” he said without further details. “When it’s ripe, I will call President Putin to try to finalize these deals,” he added.