1702879233 EN IMAGES 10th edition of Archidon 250 people in precarious

[EN IMAGES] 10th edition of Archidon: 250 people in precarious situations met – Le Journal de Québec

Of People in vulnerable situations visiting the Lauberivière animal shelter were welcomed to the Archibald Microbrasserie restaurant in Sainte-Foy on Sunday to receive them A warm holiday meal on the occasion of the 10the Edition of Archidon.

Surrounded by numerous volunteers and star servers, mostly from the media industry, the 250 guests were able to enjoy not only a lot of attention but also a moment of time out.

[EN IMAGES]    10th edition of Archidon: 250 people in vulnerable situations met


“People went to the 10th year of Archidon with full bellies, smiles on their faces, hearts full of gratitude and, above all, with the feeling that they too are worthy,” says Lauberivière General Director Eric Boulay.

“For people going through difficult times, the Christmas period is an even more difficult time. So it's very special for them to allow them to have a good time and go home with a full stomach and gifts,” explains Karine Gagnon, political columnist and assistant information director at the Journal de Québec, part of the Star Server team was.

[EN IMAGES]    10th edition of Archidon: 250 people in vulnerable situations met


Capital Transport Network (RTC) served as the event's partner, while RTC buses were used to transport guests to the restaurant.

When they returned, they received gift bags containing treats, toiletries, warm clothing and bus tickets.

Archibald Restaurant and Microbrasserie, in turn, donated $10,000 to Lauberivière to help them continue their mission of helping people in vulnerable situations.

[EN IMAGES]    10th edition of Archidon: 250 people in vulnerable situations met


“For us, the Archidon represents the perfect symbolism of sharing and kindness. We try to offer people in need a little respite in what is often a difficult time for them,” explains François Nolin, founder of Archibald Microbrasserie.