Endangered Blind Rhinoceros Saved by American Pie Actress in South

Endangered Blind Rhinoceros Saved by ‘American Pie’ Actress in South Africa

'American Pie' actress saves blind rhino

‘American Pie’ actress saves blind rhino

Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

A black rhino was given a new opportunity after his path crossed with that of actress Shannon Elizabeth, known for her role in the box office hit American Pie. Munu, the giant’s affectionate nickname, was found wandering aimlessly in the savannahs of South Africa. It didn’t take long for experts to discover that the animal, whose species is threatened with extinction, was blind.

The defenseless rhino was already surrounded by lions when veterinarians came to his rescue in Addo Elephant National Park in eastern South Africa. When experts discovered Munu’s blindness, he was rescued and placed in an enclosure in the park, but his future was still uncertain.

Teams considered euthanizing the animal because returning it to the wild could mean death at the hands of predators. That’s when conservationist Brett Barlow decided to take action and find a permanent home for the rhino, which despite its blindness is healthy in all other respects.

‘American Pie’ actress saves blind rhino

Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Health aside, Munu is considered rare as there are only 254 rhinos of its kind in the wild. Most were killed by hunters looking for horns. This is where the actress came into play, who played Nadia in the 1999 hit and now runs a foundation to support wildlife in South Africa.

With Shannon’s help, Barlow was able to send Munu to a sanctuary where he now lives safely. The expectation is that he can breed and help increase the black rhino population. The reception center is currently in the process of expanding to accommodate possible partners for the survivors. You can help through the institution’s website.

On social media, Shannon frequently posts photos and videos of the rhino, drawing attention to the animal’s cause and the threat of extinction. “We are so blessed to be able to spend time with Munu and be inspired by him in doing everything we can to protect and love rhinos,” the actress wrote in an Instagram post.

Hybrid animals that actually exist, but are apparently just imaginations
Hybrid animals that actually exist, but are apparently just imaginations

Source: Redação Terra